Chapter 342 Brother Beichen Saved You

Although the turmoil in the Hua family was suppressed, there is no impenetrable wall in the world, so the news spread.

Everyone knows that the original genius of the Hua family is now a waste.

In the painting building, Yun Jinli slept soundly. When she woke up, she saw Xiao Dian Dian leaning on her bed and looking at her.

"Miss, you were really scared to death last night."

Xiao DianDian blinked her big eyes, patted her chest, and said in a childish voice.

"Aren't I okay? But I seemed to be in a coma last night. What happened afterwards?"

Because Yun Jinli wanted to save her mother wholeheartedly, she didn't know how well she could do it, and almost put her own life on the line.

That spiritual power is life for life, but fortunately she still has some spiritual power, otherwise no one can save her.

"It was Brother Beichen who saved you. He gave you a Shiquan Dabu Dan."

Xiao DianDian's soft and waxy voice fell crisply.

This is what Bei Chenjue told him not to tell him about saving her with his own blood, lest she worry about him.

"This time, I didn't grasp the level well, which made you worry!"

Yun Jinli originally wanted to use the spirit grass to supplement her life and spiritual power after she came back, but after she came back, she didn't even have any strength, so she couldn't save herself in time.

She practiced the exercises and felt that she was in a very good state now. She didn't know what Bei Chenjue used to save her, she didn't feel weak at all.

"It seems that my strength has improved a little."

She felt that the spiritual power in her body was getting stronger and stronger, and she couldn't help being a little surprised.

"I want to go upstairs and thank Jue personally."

She walked down, wanting to go to Bei Chenjue's side immediately.

"Miss sister, brother Beichen has gone out, he told you to rest well. Next time if you behave like this, you will get spanked!"

Xiao DianDian said with a serious face, Yun Jinli couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Okay! Stop acting like a grown-up. I'm not that weak! I can jump and jump now!"

Yun Jinli turned around and picked up Xiao DianDian.

"Come on, let's go out to eat!"

After Jinyuelianhua opened recently, Yun Jinli didn't bother to cook by herself, and went to Jinyuelianhua to eat every day.

Xiao Zhang has been very busy recently, and Jinyue Lianhua's affairs are all entrusted to him, but Yun Jinli is happy to be at leisure.

"Sister, is she the one you're talking about?"

A couple of men and women stood not far outside Jinyue Lianhua, and it was a young man who was talking.

"That's right, it's her. When he was in Ziyue Valley that day, Xiao Hanxi let her live in the supreme guest room, but he himself lived in the ordinary room. The two of them opened Jinyuelianhua together, and the relationship is not simple."

A woman said that she had been observing secretly for so long, so she was right.

"Very good! Xiao Hanxi will no longer be invincible if he has a weakness."

The man nodded, with a sinister smile on his face.

"Brother, what do you want to do?"

The woman asked, with a hesitant look on her face.She didn't know if she was really doing the right thing by telling her brother about it?
The man hid in the darkness without telling her his plan.

Yun Jinli felt that someone was spying on her, so she turned her head to look, but she didn't find anyone suspicious, so she walked into Jinyuelianhua.

Now Jinyue Lianhua's business is very good, every day is full.

But she is one of the bosses here, so naturally she can't find a place.

Seeing her and Xiao DianDian coming, Liang Mei immediately brought breakfast.

"Today everyone is talking about Princess Hua being abolished, but I don't know who did it. I think the Hua family will not let it go!"

Liang Mei said, and put the delicate dim sum on the table.

"The good show has just begun, and it will become more and more interesting."

Yun Jinli smiled slightly, still as calm as a mountain.

The debts owed by the mother and daughter will be fully settled before she goes to Longyuan Shengfu!
Karma, they should pay back!

(End of this chapter)

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