The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 344 The Invincible Male God Feng Qingyun

Chapter 344 The Invincible Male God Feng Qingyun

"Miss, is it fun there?"

Xiaodian came back to her senses and asked curiously.

"you guess?"

Seeing Xiaodiandian's curious baby, Yun Jinli couldn't help but want to tease him.

"I haven't been there yet, miss and take me!"

Xiao DianDian was so bored at home, no matter where Yun Jinli was going, he decided to follow her.

"Okay! But you have to stay by my side when the time comes, and you can't run around."

Yun Jinli knew that Xiao Dian Dian was not an ordinary child, even dared to jump into the lava lake, and could still see Shili's soul body, so he would have no problem following him.

"Hmm! Diandian will be very good."

Xiao DianDian nodded happily and said that he was very happy to think that he could go out with the young lady.

"Then let's go!"

Yun Jinli said, and led Xiaodiandian out.

The boy in purple also followed, as if he wanted to go with them.

"Damn it, why are you following us? Are you a stalker?"

Xiao Dian said, and looked up at him.

"I want to play too! You didn't bring an umbrella, so I'll give you an umbrella."

The purple-clothed boy showed a bright smile. He was extremely bored now, and when he heard that they were going to the mass grave, he wanted to join in the fun.

He is not afraid of anything, even if he goes to a gloomy place like mass graves, he is very active.

He walked to the door first, opened a large delicate umbrella, and waved to the two of them.

"Let's go!"

Yun Jinli knew that his strength was unfathomable, even if he wasn't with him, he would quietly follow up.

"Miss Jin, get in the car!"

Mo Yu waved to Yun Jinli not far away, and he was waiting early in the morning to pick her up and see her off.

Yun Jinli hugged Xiao Dian and got into the carriage. At this time, there was no umbrella covering her head, but she found that the rain could not get close to her, and she was puzzled.

It's just that there are a lot of people here, so she carried Diandian into the carriage.

The purple-clothed boy followed in, without feeling restrained at all.

"Go outside the city."

After Yun Jinli gave an order, Mo Yu drove out of the city.

Originally, it would be fine if it was a sunny day, but now it is raining heavily, I am afraid it will be a little troublesome.

Wusihua is afraid of the sun, but today's heavy rain does not know when it will stop.

The bean-sized raindrops hit the roof of the carriage, and the sound was as clear as drums.

The streets were washed clean by the rain, and the blue stone bricks were washed shiny.

On the side of the flower tree, the leaves were crystal clear, and the flowers were wet by the rain and fell to the ground.

Pedestrians hid under the eaves aside, waiting for the heavy rain to stop.

The pedestrians holding oil-paper umbrellas on the street seemed much sparser.

"Miss, he is a stranger, let's leave him halfway."

Xiao DianDian remembered that the boy in purple would fight him for food, and looked at him with big eyes, full of dissatisfaction.

"I am an invincible male god who is loved by everyone, sees flowers blooming, sees cars, sees Buddhas in a daze, and opens the coffin when he sees it. That's true!"

Feng Qingyun was shaking the sky-covering fan in her hand, she was so self-obsessed, she was crying like hell.

"It's a great blessing to know you, a man so handsome that you can't help crying ghosts and gods!"

Yun Jinli cupped her hands and said with infinite emotion.

"Little beauty, you look so cute, but what you say is too uncute!"

Feng Qingyun closed the sky fan, he usually hangs out with the owner of Peach Blossom Valley, he was completely led off, he was a pretty boy, but he became very narcissistic.

The owner of Peach Blossom Valley is also one of his many masters, but because he taught Feng Qingyun such a foolish virtue, he has long been blacklisted by his parents.

"Hmph, let me be crazy, and my young lady is not allowed to say it?"

Xiao DianDian crossed her hands on her chest and said domineeringly.

"This is my little sister's territory now! If you grab food from me, you have a big enmity with me."

(End of this chapter)

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