The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 364 This kid has a lot of background

Chapter 364 This kid has a lot of background

Feng Qingyun pulled out a group of white little guys from the ancient ring of the emperor dragon, the imitation white phoenix, it looks like a beautiful little white chicken.

It slept soundly in the Emperor Dragon's ancient ring. This ancient ring can allow living things to stay inside, and the space is infinite. It is a treasure passed down from generation to generation by Feng Qingyun.

Bai Xi is his father's spiritual pet, so he can't worry about the little master going out for the first time, giving him all kinds of exhortations, nagging more than his gentle mother-in-law.

Because Feng Qingyun disliked his nagging, so when she went out today, she directly stuffed him into the Dilong Ancient Ring, trying to be quiet.

"Little master, did you ever take the initiative to find me?"

Bai Xi opened his eyes and fell into a bleary sleep, strange to say, since the ancient emperor ring was passed on to the little master, it seemed to be different.

He couldn't say exactly what was different, but when the Emperor Dragon Ancient Ring was in his master's hands before, he didn't dare to get close to this ancient ring, let alone sleep here.

"Well, please protect me!"

Feng Qingyun directly threw Bai Xi towards the swarm of insects, that movement was really neat and beautiful!
Bai Xi was still in a daze, when he saw the overwhelming insect swarm, he almost turned back and beat up this unscrupulous little master who killed thousands of knives!
Where does one treat elders like this?

What about respecting the old and loving the young?

Bai Xi spread her small and beautiful wings, opened her phoenix mouth, and spit out a mouthful of flames towards the swarm of insects.

Even though he didn't return to his original form, the power of the phoenix flame is simply overkill to deal with these firescale beetles.

Seeing a fire-scale beetle flying towards Feng Qingyun, while he was still lying on the tree trunk, shaking the canopy fan, looking lazy and not wanting to move, Bai Xi couldn't help but get angry.

In the end, Bai Xi came to Feng Qingyun's side as fast as lightning, and then burned all the fire scale beetles beside him.

He exuded a ray of coercion, and no firescale beetle dared to approach here.

"Huh? This breath seems to be a divine beast."

Xuezhan is a Fengxue silver dragon, very sensitive to the coercion of divine beasts, she jumped up all of a sudden, stood on Bei Chenjue's shoulder, and looked seriously at Baixi in Feng Qingyun's arms.

"This is still an adult divine beast. If I'm not mistaken, it's a pure-blooded white phoenix. This kid has a lot of background!"

Yun Jinli glanced at Bai Xi when she heard the words, that little phoenix was very cute.

She would not believe someone who gave away a bag of high-grade pills as jelly beans, borrowed artifacts comparable to Zhiyue, and protected by divine beasts.

There was no trace of blood on Feng Qingyun's body, and those pure and flawless eyes were like the feeling she felt when she saw Xilingtian for the first time.

That is the true heart of a child, pure and untainted by the world of mortals.

Xilingtian had never had contact with outsiders, so he had such pure eyes at first.

Feng Qingyun doesn't seem to have any contact with anyone, on the contrary, he is truly fearless, the biggest little devil in the world.

"Wan Gu Sect is not afraid of offending the whole world."

Yun Jinli felt a little heavy when she saw Wan Guzong dare to openly help Wu Sihua under such circumstances.

Wan Gu Sect is stronger than she expected.

"That's not because Wan Gu Sect has such confidence, but because they believe that no one else will know what happened today."

Bei Chenjue opened his mouth and said, no one can stop the vain death flower, then the whole city will become her sacrifice, if there are no living people in the whole city by then, why would Wan Gu sect be afraid of things being revealed?

Taking a ten thousand step back, even if the matter is revealed, no one knows where the Wan Gu Sect is and who is a member of the Wan Gu Sect.

Even if he is by your side, you don't know his identity.

This is the most terrifying place of Wan Gu Sect.

 Congratulations to Ye Jianweiliang for becoming the helmsman of "Agent of Genius: Supreme Mad Queen"!Thank you for your support baby!Thank you also to every lovely snow fan who supports Geer, yum!

  Ge'er is sick, resting during the day, and will come back at night.

(End of this chapter)

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