Chapter 41 Give it the right to choose

"This snow fox is given to the girl. This is the key to the spirit rope."

The boss of Wanshouzhai handed Yun Jinli a drop-shaped object, and this drop-shaped object could untie the spirit rope that bound Xuehu.

These spirit ropes are special vines, and only special things can open them.

This is also something unique to the Nangong family. Others don't know where it came from, so even if they want to imitate it, it is impossible.

"Thank you."

Yun Jinli took the drop of water, and squeezed it softly, with emerald green water droplets shaking inside.

"Girl, go slowly!"

The shop owner said that he was also relieved to see the turmoil subside.

"Let's go!"

Holding the little fox in her arms, Yun Jinli left Wanshou Zhai with Xiao Zhang, and faded out of everyone's sight.

"Jin'er, if you meet that woman next time, you must be more careful. I don't think she is a good person!"

Xiao Zhang frowned and said, he felt the hostility in Hua Simeng's eyes just now, that woman is not weak, so he had to remind Yun Jinli.

"I will be careful."

Yun Jinli nodded, and the two walked around the noisy street and walked to the quiet pavilion by the water.

It's not the main street, so there aren't that many people.

"How do you use this key?"

Yun Jinli placed the little white fox on a wooden table in the center of the gazebo, and she could touch the silk thread wrapped around it with her hand.

If these threads are not untied, they will accompany it for a lifetime.

"It's fine to crush it. But if you untie it, it may escape, so you can make a contract with it first, and then let it go."

Xiao Zhang said, telling her how to do it.

"No, although I like it, what it likes is freedom, and I won't force it to enter into a spiritual contract with me."

Yun Jinli crushed the key in his hand, and the vines bound to the little fox broke apart, and its spirit improved a lot in an instant.

These spirit ropes can make fierce beasts very weak, and have a stronger binding effect on stronger spirit beasts.

The little white fox felt a burst of relief in his body, and looked at Yun Jinli with his big eyes, as if he couldn't believe that she would let him go free.

"You are still very weak now. If you want, you can stay with me first, and leave after you recover."

Yun Jinli reached out and stroked the little white fox's head gently, and said softly.

The little white fox gently rubbed against her hand, feeling her kindness, its eyes showed gratitude.

It is indeed very weak now, even if it leaves, it is very dangerous.It made him think it was a good idea to be by her side.

"Jin'er, it seems to like you very much. You like it so much, why don't you keep it by your side?"

Xiao Zhang asked puzzledly.

"If you like it, you have to own it. If you like it, you should give it the right to choose."

Yun Jinli said seriously, and Xiao Zhang and the little white fox were both stunned by the words she said.

The little white fox's spiritual eyes seemed to understand Yun Jinli's words.

"You're right!"

Xiao Zhang nodded, with a smile on his face.

She was always different from other women, which gave him a little more understanding.

(End of this chapter)

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