Chapter 505 The only chance to go out

"Big brother, I just want to pick up a few moonlight beads, and I don't intend to disturb your rest. You continue to sleep, I'll go first!"

Yun Jinli's bracelet has the effect of avoiding water, and it can still breathe after falling into the cold pool.

She saw ice crystal flowers growing all around the nine-star ice coffin, these are precious magical materials, very precious.

The clusters of ice crystal flowers should have condensed countless years.Absorbing countless cold air, it condensed so many ice crystal flowers.

She didn't touch the ice crystal flowers, and wanted to leave, but the sleeping man in the nine-star ice coffin suddenly opened his sharp eyes.

"Since you're here, don't leave."

The extremely cold voice made Yun Jinli feel colder than this cold pool.

A powerful force pushed Yun Jinli towards the Nine Stars Ice Coffin, and she had the urge to beat someone up.

"Hey, I advise you not to be arrogant! Otherwise, I will teach you how to be a man every minute!"

Yun Jinli was so angry that he jumped, and this guy was still reluctant.

It's not honest to stay in the ice coffin, do you really think she is easy to bully?

"No one has ever dared to talk to this god like this! Mortals, you should be honored to be able to offer sacrifices to this god."

A voice came from the ice coffin, and what he meant was that Yun Jinli was going to be sacrificed to him.

"I'm honored to be your uncle!"

Yun Jinli knew that this guy was terrifying, and this was the result of being suppressed in the ice coffin. If he was released, he would definitely be even stronger.

She stimulated the power of Yin Yang Flower, and then, there was no more.

Because she found that in this cold pool, she seemed unable to use her spiritual power.

"Don't play like this, come to a fair duel! Don't let me use spiritual power, are you still a man?"

"Fair? You are just a sacrifice, why should you be fair? Besides, under the cold pool, no one can use spiritual power, otherwise the god can pinch you to death with one finger."

The disdainful voice in the ice coffin was full of arrogance.

"Pretending to be thirteen will not change the fact that you are being suppressed. Aren't you very powerful? Then why can't you escape? You will bully children, and I feel ashamed for you."

Yun Jinli couldn't escape and didn't make him feel comfortable anymore, so he just poked wildly at his sore spot.

You can't use spiritual power here, let alone inject tokens with spiritual power to escape.

"Mortal! Do you want to die?"

An extremely angry voice came from the ice coffin, the entire coffin lid was shaking, and the water in the cold pool was constantly churning.

Yun Jinli now knew that it was the power of his soul, not his spiritual power.

The nine-star ice coffin and the chains were all lit up, and the talismans danced to suppress him.

But these effects are not great. It seems that the ice coffin may be overturned by him at any time.

At this moment, there were bursts of ancient bells ringing in the void.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

When the bell rang, the ice coffin fell silent.

Yun Jinli remembered that she had heard this bell before, as if it was the bell of heaven and earth, whenever it rang, it could cleanse the world.

Because the bell rang, her pressure was relieved, and she took advantage of this opportunity to rush out of the cold pool immediately.

When she left, she didn't forget to put the large pieces of ice crystal flowers into the weaving moon tassel.

She can't take things out of the weaving moon tassel, but she can put things in.

"It's a pity that I can't fly!"

She knew that time was running out, and looking at the towering cliffs, she was simply terrified.

"Mother, we can fly!"

Little Butterfly said, he is a butterfly, how could he not be able to fly?

The next moment, a pair of large translucent wings appeared behind Yun Jinli. She was pleasantly surprised and immediately flew upwards.


The water column from the cold pool below also rushed up, trying to catch up with Yun Jinli.

For a long time, no one has been here, this is his only chance to go out, he can't let her go.

(End of this chapter)

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