Chapter 738 Not everything goes well

Soon, he found the Ganoderma lucidum on the head of a tomb, but it was getting late now, and the snow-white Ganoderma lucidum looked like a palm.

The shovel in his hand shoveled into the soil of the tomb, shoveling out gurgling blood in an instant.

This made him stop immediately, and didn't use the shovel again.

Night has fallen, and the tomb has become gloomy, and the hazy moon in the sky seems to have lost its holy brilliance in the past, and has become monstrous.

When he saw a big locust tree planted next to the tomb, he suddenly felt bad, and he couldn't care less about picking the dry bone fungus, so he immediately dropped the shovel and ran out of the tomb.

He seemed to hear the sound of singing in the tomb behind him. He didn't look back, but felt that the temperature had dropped a lot.

He seemed to hear some small footsteps, but he was obviously the only one in this place.

After he ran out of a locust tree forest, he saw a faint light ahead, so he walked towards the village.

There is a huge locust tree at the entrance of the village. I don't know how many years it has grown, at least it looks like hundreds of years.

That village is also evil, and they are all planted with pagoda trees. This kind of tree is extremely shady, and pagoda trees are wood ghosts, and they are most likely to attract unclean things.

This land was inherently gloomy, plus the locust tree forest and locust tree village made Man Tingfang feel his scalp tingling.

He walked into this village in the barren mountain, and saw the name on the entrance of the village: Huai Village.

He didn't know if the light was bad at that time, but he vaguely felt that the word looked very similar: "ghost village"!
Enduring the strangeness in his heart, he walked into Huai Village.

However, he saw the villagers walking on the street as if they had just woken up at this time, with pale faces that looked bloodless.

Based on the benevolence of a doctor, he felt that they must be sick, so he didn't run away immediately, but stayed to see a doctor for the villagers.

However, when the villagers found him, they all rushed towards him with shining eyes, trying to bite him.

He quickly dodged and ran towards the outside of the village.

On the way, he saw a child in the village feeding on blood and smiling strangely at him.The smile seemed to reach the ears, and the eyes were all white without a trace of blackness.

And inside the open door, he suddenly saw a coffin made of locust tree.

He took a closer look and found that there was a pagoda tree coffin in every room.

How can this locust tree be used as a coffin?
Even if he wasn't a coffin maker, he knew that locust wood should never be used as a coffin.Those who have lost their children and grandchildren will definitely attract evil things.

At that time, he saw a strange black mist floating in the village, and he fled the village in a panic.

The next day, when he went back to the village, everyone disappeared.

He bravely walked into a room, and there was a person lying in the coffin, still breathing, but he couldn't wake up no matter what.

He checked all the houses and all were in exactly the same condition.

He found that there was a bite mark on the necks of those villagers. He couldn't save them. In the end, he could only set up a large formation so that outsiders could not enter the barren mountain, and the things inside could not come out.

The day he left the barren mountain, he saw a woman in a costume standing in the black mist looking at him.Her seven orifices were bleeding, and she just kept staring at him.

He understood the source of all this, maybe it was this woman in costume.

He saw a paragraph of text in the village, which said that a theater troupe came to this deserted village, and several villagers fell in love with the beautiful actress, and a group of people forcibly defiled her.

It's just that they were afraid that they would be retaliated by the troupe after the incident happened, so they poisoned the actor to death and buried it hastily in the locust forest outside the village.

The actor once shouted for help, but the villagers were too indifferent to outsiders, so no one rescued her.

Since then, countless strange things have happened in the village.

Everyone knows that she is back!
"Sometimes, everything has a cause and effect, and the doctor is benevolent, but not everything goes well."

This is what Man Tingfang wanted to tell Yun Jinli. As doctors, they often had to make choices, depending on whether they could keep their hearts.

"Well, I understand."

Yun Jinli nodded, and after listening to Man Tingfang's experience, she also understood a lot of truths.

(End of this chapter)

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