Chapter 77 What is that?
The group of them discussed it and reached an agreement with each other, and then continued to go deep into the cave of bones.


A group of black poisonous moths rushed towards the crowd from the four walls of the cave.

These poisonous moths are very big, the size of a washbasin, and when they flapped their wings, poisonous powder fell down one after another.


The poisonous powder fell on the ground and immediately corroded the hard ground.

The potholes on the ground turned out to be due to these highly toxic corrosion.

If ordinary people stepped on this highly poisonous ground, they would be poisoned to death in an instant.

This place is dangerous at every step, and if you are not careful, you will stay here forever.

"It's pouring fire and rain!"

The crutch in the old woman's hand burst into flames, turning the poisonous moths that rushed over into ashes.

"Ice Bridge."

The white-haired old man stamped his feet, and a bridge of ice spread from under his feet.

Their control over spiritual power has reached its peak.

Yun Jinli has also seen many strong men, and these two are indeed very strong. Even if their strength can only be partially displayed, it fully demonstrates their strength.

"The white-haired old man is the old man of the Yu family, that is, the grandfather of Yu Xuanfeng. The Yu family is good at controlling ice spiritual power, and is also known as the ice and snow spirit family. The old woman is an elder of the Dongfang family, who is good at using Fire power."

Bei Chenjue communicated with Yun Jinli through soul transmission, while introducing these people to her.

They should know the secret of the bone cave, so on the way ahead, they didn't confront each other, but were busy on their way.

None of them like spirits want to waste their energy on the way, only at the last moment will they really tear their face apart.

"That fat man belongs to the Ye family! And that young woman is a strong member of the Nangong family."


Yun Jinli basically understood the origins of these people. Most of the eight families came, which is indeed unusual.

Their lineup is very strong, and the obstacles that appeared along the way were all swept away by them.Let the two people who followed secretly do not need to worry about these endless dangers.

The strength of these powerhouses has been suppressed, but they have long been prepared.In addition, they are very familiar with the Bone Cave and have already found out the situation, so they all quickly arrived at the edge of the abyss of the Bone Cave.

"what is that?"

Yun Jinli saw from a distance that there was a snow-white light shining in the invisible abyss.

That ray of light is very soft, making people feel very comfortable.

This white light seems to be incompatible with the darkness here, as if sunlight appeared in this place shrouded in darkness.

"I'm not sure, could it be the one in the legend?"

Bei Chenjue saw this special light from afar, which made him feel very comfortable.

This light flickered one after another, as if something was about to rush out of the shackles of darkness.

He suddenly remembered the records in some ancient books, the things that could make these high-level clans so nervous that they didn't even dare to send too many people, for fear of alarming others, could only be the things in the legend.

"Don't turn the corner, what the hell is that? Tell me!"

Yun Jinli was confused, and looked at his mysterious appearance with curiosity.

(End of this chapter)

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