The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 802 Devil Emperor Yintu and Meiji

Chapter 802 Devil Emperor Yintu and Meiji

A majestic and magnificent palace in the Demon Realm looks as if it reaches directly into the sky.The sharp bone spur shape gives people a cold and strange feeling.

In a dazzling golden palace, a man and a woman are playing chess.

This man looked handsome and charming, with a pair of icy eyes revealing a ruthless coldness and a viper-like cunning and coldness.

He has a slender figure, wearing a red and black interlaced robe, with gorgeous epaulets on his shoulders, and a gold cobra belt around his waist, which looks hideous and terrifying.

He was holding a jade chess piece with his fingers, and there was a bloodthirsty smile on his cold face.

This person is the devil emperor Yintu, with such a powerful strength, even if the slightest breath is leaked, it will make people tremble uncontrollably.

"Have you found the lost dog yet?"

His voice was very soft, but it made the black shadow kneeling on the ground tremble, feeling like falling into an ice cave.

"Your Majesty calm down, the subordinates can't find Baidi's aura, he should be hiding."

The black shadow on the ground is the killer who chased and killed Bai Li.

He is the Silver Lord, one of the Seven Lords under the Demon Emperor's command. With corpse poison in his palm, he can control the army of Demon Crows.

"It's just a disused fox, how can it deserve the title of White Emperor?"

The masked woman who was playing chess on the side said lightly, her tone full of disdain.

This woman has a pair of sharp eyes, and on top of the tall spirit snake bun, the golden phoenix hair ornament is extremely gorgeous.

She was wearing a gorgeous palace dress, and on the long skirt, golden plum blossoms were embroidered, and each petal was dotted with bright rhinestones.

Being able to sit with the devil emperor in this devil palace shows that her status is very honorable.

"Yes, this subordinate made a slip of the tongue at the moment, please forgive me, Your Majesty and Meiji."

Yin Jue replied tremblingly, these two are not good enemies, they are both cruel and ruthless people.

He knew that this woman was the master of the Palace of Unfeeling, everyone called Mei Ji, and she was the most beloved beauty of the Devil Emperor.

She practiced the art of severing love and severing love, and she was ruthless to the Devil Emperor, but she was able to make the Devil Emperor love her so much, which showed that her means were extraordinary.

"That beast can't make any waves, so don't pay attention to it for now. The emperor got the news that the Yin Yang flower is in the Longyuan Holy Mansion, and the five spirit flower is going to be ordered by the emperor. Whoever stops who!"

There was greed in Yintu's eyes, even if Wulinghua existed like him, his heart would be extremely excited.

He has already sent people to sneak into Longyuan Holy Mansion for the purpose of the other side flower and the secrets in Longyuan.Now I didn't expect that Yin Yang Flower was also in Longyuan Saint Mansion, it was an unexpected surprise.

"Oh? It just so happens that my apprentice is also at the Longyuan Saint Mansion, maybe he can help."

Mei Ji said, she is the master of Liuyan.

Originally, she took Mo Fuyan as her first disciple, named her Feng Cailian, and erased all her memories.

It's a pity that her lover betrayed her.

So she took in a new apprentice and decided to train him as the heir to clean up the house for her.

Now that she has received the news that the traitor is dead, she is in a very good mood.

Even if it's the apprentice she watched growing up, when that apprentice falls in love with another man, it's a betrayal of her, and she won't keep her alive.

The relationship between master and apprentice is nothing at all, she has long since lost any feelings.

"The person sent by the emperor is enough to deal with it. It's just a small new student. How can he escape from the palm of the emperor?"

Yin Tu sneered and said, full of confidence in her own strength, her words were extremely conceited.

"The slave family will congratulate His Majesty the Demon Emperor for fulfilling his wish in advance."

The corner of Mei Ji's lips twitched, showing a captivating smile.

She lowered her eyes with a sneer.

Did he think that if he didn't tell her, she wouldn't be able to know?
She knew that Yintu was very defensive and would not trust anyone.

But she never believed him, the two of them just got what they needed.

(End of this chapter)

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