The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 809 The No. 1 Scholar of the Holy Mansion

Chapter 809
In another high-level practice room of the holy church, a man dressed as gorgeous as a peach blossom leaned towards the man who was seriously cultivating beside him, with a sinister smirk on his face.

"Hey, Kong, the Wenhua list record you broke back then has been broken."

He was wearing a pink gown, but he didn't look feminine, but he gave people a very dazzling feeling, with a casual and uninhibited look on his body.

"The sky is endless, are you too free?"

Yin Kong has a beautiful face like a woman's. The whole person looks delicate and delicate, and can easily be recognized as a girl.

He is a very temperamental man, with a poetic and bookish temperament.

However, he looks sick and weak like a willow, but he is in the high-level training room of the temple, which shows that his strength is very terrifying.

He is just born with bad feet, but both talent and talent are extremely powerful.

"Where am I free? Aren't I paying attention to major events in the outside world? You don't know how arrogant that freshman is! I think we have to suppress his arrogance, but it's unbearable to be stepped down by our Lord Kong. "

Tian Wujue said seriously, with a smile on his face.

"not interested."

Yinkong said lightly, he just broke the record at will, and he didn't care who stepped on him now.

"Master Kong, how can you be so calm? You don't know that guy Jing, he is now the number one scholar in Longyuan Sacred Mansion, and you have no existence at all."

Tian Wujue didn't see it as lively, and was very unhappy.

This sanctuary has been like stagnant water lately, it's so boring that it's about to grow mushrooms.

On the contrary, Longyuan Holy Mansion has been very lively recently, and he was blinded by envy. It's a pity that people in their holy hall can't go to the Holy Mansion if they have nothing to do, unless there are some special people.

Feng Qingyun and Feng Liuyue were lively for a while when they first entered the holy hall, but unfortunately the Moon God is too fierce now, and with Lord Fengshen in charge of the scene, who would dare to trouble the two siblings?
They couldn't afford to provoke someone as protective as Fengshen Feng Lichen.

"Don't think that I don't know that you are too boring. You are just a freshman, so you still have to be shameless?"

Lord Yinkong spoke up, and directly reprimanded Tian Wujue, a scourge that fears the world will not be chaotic.

"Kong, you are too disrespectful! Didn't I just want to save face, so I didn't bully the little freshman in the Holy Palace?"

There was a look of anticipation on Tian Wujue's handsome face.

"If that mirror is more aggressive and gets the qualification to come to the church in the annual competition, then I will definitely bully him."

He was already expecting the mirror to come to the church, but he didn't know whether it was a lamb or a wolf.

All kinds of wonderful homework failed to stop Yun Jinli's footsteps, and she was known as the number one scholar in Longyuan Holy Mansion.

There were even many students who heard the news and specially came to watch Yun Jinli's exam.

This class is about alchemy, and they don't believe that Jing Xueba is really omnipotent.

Everyone has seen her write a thousand-character essay silently, without missing a single word.I have also seen her answering the questions of the masters fluently.

The name of Xueba can be said to be worthy of the name.

The photographic memory is so self-willed and domineering.

In addition to her amazing memory, her comprehension ability is also very strong. She can integrate what she has learned and draw inferences from one instance.

"Alchemy requires real skills. No matter how good Jing's memory is and how many pills she can memorize silently, I don't believe she can refine a pill."

Someone heard that Yun Jinli was going to take the medicine refining test, so they said.

"Let's go see too."

"Okay, let's go together!"

"Hurry up, or you'll miss it."

All of a sudden, outside the Shunhuajing Alchemy Academy, a large group of people gathered together, which was extremely spectacular.

 Good luck to all candidates!Get what you want, everything goes well.

(End of this chapter)

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