The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 813 I Just Came to Visit the Prison

Chapter 813 I Just Came to Visit the Prison

Yun Jinli was originally too lazy to meddle in other people's affairs, but Shanhe stood up for her and was her little follower.

Can she leave it alone?Obviously not.

So, not long after Shanhe was locked up, Yun Jinli came to his cell through Feng Liuyue's relationship.

"Boss! Why are you locked up too?"

When Shanhe saw Yun Jinli appear, he immediately stood up excitedly, and then thought that she might also be locked up, and immediately frowned.

"I just came to visit the prison."

Yun Jinli glanced at him speechlessly, he was kind enough, and beat up the eldest lady of the painting clan directly.

This is a direct slap in the face of the Hua clan, and just locked him up, which is considered a small punishment.

The Hua clan has a lot of influence in the Longyuan Sacred Mansion, and the law enforcement team's punishment on him can be regarded as protecting him in disguise.

If he had already been punished, the people of the Hua clan would not be able to do anything more, and the matter was just exposed.

"It seems that the boss still has me in his heart."

Shan He scratched the back of his head with a smile, laughing heartlessly, very happy.

"Big man, don't be silly, or I will die."

Yun Jinli walked in front of Shanhe. He was huge, almost as tall and mighty as the two of her combined.

"I won't say anything, just listen to the boss."

Shanhe sat neatly, looking at Yun Jinli curiously, wondering what she meant.

"Spread your hands."

Yun Jinli said, based on her understanding of Hua Liuyan, she would definitely be bewitched by mountains and rivers.

She has been able to confirm that Hua Liuyan is related to Wan Gu sect, but there is no evidence, and she is the eldest lady of the Hua clan, so it is not easy to touch her.

Shanhe spread out his hands obediently, and looked at Yun Jinli curiously.

"Boss, what are you going to do?"

"Look at the palm of your hand."

Yun Jinli said, Shanhe lowered his head and glanced at his palm, it turned black, and also had a strange blue color.

"You seem to have been poisoned by the blue scorpion Gu, that woman has enough Gu poison."

She has read the "Gu Sutra", so she naturally understands the symptoms of various Gu poisons.

"When this blue scorpion Gu attacks, it will penetrate into your heart, eat your heart clean, then crawl into your head, eat your brain, and finally pry open your head to get out. "

Listening to Yun Jinli's description, Shanhe's scalp tingled for a while.

"Boss, don't scare me, I'm timid."

Shanhe said that he is not afraid of open swords and spears, but it is difficult to guard against hidden arrows.

"Now you know how to be cowardly? I didn't see you being cowardly during the fight just now."

Yun Jinli looked at him amusedly, feeling that this big man was also cute and silly.

"What's more, I didn't scare you, you have been poisoned by Gu."

"I know the poisonous poison. There was a poisonous poisonous disaster in our place back then. Many people died. The whole city died, and there was no one alive."

Shan He frowned and said that he had witnessed that disaster before.

It was done by the people of Wan Gu Sect, for the purpose of offering sacrifices to Gu. After sacrificing the entire city, no one escaped.

For many people, the Wan Gu Sect is very dangerous. Everyone in the Wan Gu Sect does not know how much Gu poison they have, and they may lay Gu on people at any time.

Moreover, Gu is alive and controlled by people, and it is more terrifying than poison.

"I heard that Gu poison is very difficult to get rid of. I think I am going to die. Boss, you will always be the boss of my country. Although I am a bit stupid, I will recognize you."

He said honestly that he admired the boss who was younger than himself but still so capable of fighting.

At the beginning, he was attracted by her strength, and gradually discovered that she was really omnipotent.

He can make super delicious meals, and he is also capable of literary and martial arts. His IQ is urgent, and he admires smart people the most.

"Don't be afraid big man, since I'm here, you won't die."

Yun Jinli patted him on the shoulder, giving him a sense of stability.

As if as long as she said yes, there would be absolutely no problem.

(End of this chapter)

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