The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 819 You Can't Protect Yourselves

Chapter 819 You Can't Protect Yourselves

The formation of Liuhe Bahuang is very complicated, and it is even more dangerous.

Yun Jinli walked into the white mist, and the scene in front of her completely changed.

"We are entering the battle, don't move around."

She learned the formation technique from Xilingtian and Man Tingfang, and she can also set up formations herself, but the formation in front of her gave her a very dangerous feeling.

The entire magic circle is full of murderous intentions, and it can be said that there is no way out for those who come.

"You follow me, in order not to be separated, a rope is tied between us."

Yun Jinli tied the rope around Xiao DianDian and herself, while Bai Li lay on her shoulders.

The first step came out, and the oncoming flaming arrows fell towards her body.

As long as she is dead, Yin Yang Hua and You Epiphyllum will appear, so the other party secretly sent a master to arrange this big formation to kill her.

The Youdie Fengyan in Yun Jinli's hand flew up, and the flying fire butterfly burned the rain of arrows falling from all around into ashes.

She sensed that the source of this formation was a flint stone.

Relying on the fire-dispelling bead, she walked directly to the place where the fire spar was with Xiao DianDian, and put the fire spar into the weaving moon tassel.

"She is not afraid of flames!"

The ghostly woman controlled the first fire and rain formation, and originally wanted to kill her forcefully, but in the end she destroyed the first formation unharmed.

No matter how powerful the others were, they would all be burned to ashes under the pouring fire, but Yun Jinli had the Luminous Bead on her body, which could just ward off the fire.

Wearing the Luminous Bead, even in the sea of ​​flames, you can open a safe passage.

"I thought this Yingzhuo Bead was useless at all! I didn't expect it to be used just now. The people who set up the formation are so vicious! There is no way out."

Xiao DianDian said that he also knows the formation, and saw that the formation is very vicious, there is no way out, it is a killing formation, and there are death gates all around.

"If you are not afraid of fire, then try the water."

The ghostly woman moved the formation in front of her, and then a wave of water swept towards Yun Jinli and the others.

The green water jade dragon bracelet that Xilingtian gave to Yun Jinli can open up a dry road in the huge waves, making people walk in the water as if walking on flat ground.

"The source of the second water array is there!"

Xiao DianDian can see the baby, the crystal stones in this formation are all high-quality spirit stones, he can see where they are.

"We have already encountered the fire and water formations. We must find Ruoxin as soon as possible, otherwise the magic circle behind will become stronger and stronger."

Yun Jinli took away the crystal stone. This crystal stone has very pure spiritual power, which shows that the other party is rich and powerful, and they used high-quality spirit stones.

"You come to break the formation, I come to find people."

Bai Li said, he used his sense of smell to find Mu Ruoxin's whereabouts.

"This direction."

He pointed out the direction, and Yun Jinli walked in the direction he said.

"Want to save people? You can't protect yourself."

Seeing them rushing towards Mu Ruoxin, the ghostly woman immediately changed her formation.

The surroundings were suddenly plunged into darkness, and countless powerful resentful spirits poured out from the ground.

These are the souls of some strong men after death, but they did not rest in peace, but were refined into puppets.

"No matter who you are, I tell you, anyone who dares to touch me must have the consciousness of death!"

On the palm of Yun Jinli's palm, there was the epiphyllum euphyllum.

The auspicious and holy light shines in all directions, purifying evil spirits in the darkness.

Those powerful puppets, the evil spirits on their bodies were purified by You Epiphyllum, and their eyes changed from confusion to clarity.

"Whoever enslaves you, you go to seek revenge!"

Yun Jinli said calmly, hearing the words, the souls of those strong men rushed towards the bamboo forest immediately.

They are colliding with the formation, and the world composed of the formation may collapse at any time.

 Snow Luan song official fan skirt, skirt number: 584037212 Welcome to the lovely little snowflake of Her Royal Highness!

(End of this chapter)

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