Chapter 833 It's a Mess of Toughness

"Block the Nine Passes."

Granny Hua said that no one was found, but they were sure that someone had come in.

When other students learned about the Nine Gates of the Holy Church, there were some who were brave and not afraid of death, eager to try, but found that the Nine Gates were closed.

According to gossip, Jiuzhongguan was damaged, so it is currently under maintenance and will not be opened for the time being.

Hearing this news, the realm masters of Longyuan Saint Mansion were all stunned.

"Which pervert did it?"

"It's too fierce!"

"I can't even look straight at it."

"It's so powerful!"

The realm masters know how powerful the Nine Levels Pass is, and someone who can destroy the Nine Levels Level is really a talent.

"I have a hunch that the church will be lively."

"Isn't it? It's really exciting."

"Kong, do you know? Someone has broken through the Nine Gates of the Holy Church."

Tian Wujue came to Yinkong's practice room immediately, and said excitedly.

He looked happier than he had successfully passed the level.

"It's not that you succeeded in breaking through the level, why are you so excited?"

Yinkong said coldly, sitting on the wheelchair, his face was as calm as water.

There is a sound-proof barrier in the training room, so he won't be disturbed by the bells, so he didn't hear the bells ringing just now.

"Of course I'm excited! Isn't it something to celebrate when a little rookie enters the church alone? My boring and lonely days are finally over."

Tian Wujue said happily, his face full of anticipation.

For him, the people from the Holy Mansion are all newcomers, and for the Holy Church, they are all rookies.

"I don't know if this cute newcomer can bring excitement to the church for a few days."

Yinkong just shook his head when he heard the words, thinking that this guy was hopeless.

Although the news of someone breaking through the barrier and entering the holy church had already spread, no one found this cute new trace after a few days.

They didn't even want to bully the newcomers, which made them extremely depressed.

Yun Jinli had been secretly taken to Feng Liuyue's training room by Feng Qingyun a long time ago, and now she was carefully studying the map behind the Tianlong Magic Qin in this training room.

She came to Longyuan Sacred Mansion for the opening of the Peerless Tomb five months later. While there was still time, she studied the map carefully.

She basically already knows the map of the underground palace, but there are many traps below, even if she knows the map, it is extremely dangerous.

"Li'er, you give me the jade card, and I will go to the temple to add a name for you. After you arrive at the temple, you will have a chance to change your name. You can have two different names in the temple and in the temple. What do you want to be called?"

Feng Liuyue was worried that Yun Jinli would be targeted by people in the church because Jing's name was too loud.

She glanced at the Tianlong Magic Qin in Yun Jinli's hand, with a bit of inquiry in her eyes, and an unspeakable softness in her eyes.

"There is no need to change the name, I will use this name. As long as the news of the Holy Church cannot be spread, it doesn't matter even if they know that I am a mirror. Besides, Yin Yang Flower has already been sent out in their eyes."

Yun Jinli was not afraid of the troubles of the Holy Church, but she wanted to see who would dare to provoke her.

No one knew that Yun Jinli now had a super bodyguard by his side.

"The Holy Church and the Holy Mansion have been officially closed. News from the outside can come in, but no news from inside can be sent out."

Feng Liuyue nodded, since she said that there is no need to change it, then respect her opinion.

She found that Yun Jinli had a fearless and strong temperament, which she admired very much.

"That means I can go out."

Yun Jinli has been staying at Feng Liuyue's place for the past few days, and the resources of each training room are limited, so she is embarrassed to stay here all the time.

But it must be said that this place is really good, several times faster than the outside world.

In the sanctuary, spending ten days is equivalent to one day in the outside world.

(End of this chapter)

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