Chapter 845 This Village Is Very Tyrant

Yun Jinli understood that these reward tasks were not easy, and that the periphery of the temple was full of various crises.

At the same time, there is also a great opportunity here, which can let the strong survive in a dangerous environment.

Every bounty task is a training for the elite of the temple.

Rather than offering a reward, it is better to say it is experience.

It's just that such a rewarding experience makes everyone more active and willing to take risks.

Otherwise, no one is willing to leave the training room where the training speed is so fast, and it is still very safe, and come out to fight bloody battles.

I have to say that the Holy Church really played a good game of chess.

"Xiao Jin, what should we do now? Do you want me to drive them away?"

Bai Li was not sure whether his coercion would be effective in this special area.

"No, I have a way."

Yun Jinli took out the Tianlong magic piano, and played the strings with her bare hands, and the sound of the piano slowly resounded.

As a beast master, she just took this opportunity to practice.

With the sound of Yun Jinli's piano, it resounded over the wilderness.

This day, the dragon's magic piano can control people's hearts, and Yun Jinli integrated his soul into the magic piano, and began to perform exercises.

There was a purple light on the strings, as if the jade dew and the rain were falling.

The originally irritable wolves suddenly quieted down, and the originally red eyes also became dazed at this moment.

"leave here."

Yun Jinli delivered her order, and the pack of wolves ran towards the wilderness, disappearing in place like a gust of wind.

Seeing that the wolves disappeared, the villagers showed a look of relief.

Looking up and seeing Yun Jinli riding a rainbow unicorn, their faces were filled with gratitude.

"Thank you for saving your life."

The village chief took the old and weak women and children in the village to thank Yun Jinli.

"No need to thank you. Although the wolves have left, I don't know if they will return. Do you have any countermeasures?"

Yun Jinli asked, this pack of wolves should be very large in the Biyue Wilderness, she didn't kill them, otherwise more would be attracted.

"Every village here has a protective barrier, but the barrier is broken, so that's why the wolves have a chance."

The village head replied that if there was no protective barrier, the place would have been slaughtered by wolves long ago.

"Can you take me to see the enchantment?"

Yun Jinli saw so many old and weak women and children in this village, and hoped to help them get through this crisis.

Her bounty task has been completed, which is to solve the wolf crisis, but she likes to do things thoroughly.

"My lord, please enter the village."

The village chief hurriedly asked someone to clear a path and let Yun Jinli in.

Yun Jinli entered the village and checked the barrier.

"This piece of spirit stone is useless, and there is a spirit stone in your village to exchange for a good one."

"Yes! Yes!"

The village chief immediately asked someone to fetch a large spirit stone. Yun Jinli was surprised when he saw that this spirit stone with a large head was still of high quality.

This village seems very wealthy!
"This spirit stone is not bad. If there are any more, I'd like to change those pieces too. It doesn't look like it will last long."

Yun Jinli saw that this enchantment was set up a long time ago, and the spirit stones have gradually faded.

"Okay, every household has these stones, just take as many as you want."

The village chief said, and immediately asked people to replace the spirit stone quickly.

"Where do these spirit stones come from?"

Yun Jinli asked casually, and looked at the village chief curiously, wondering if he would tell her, after all, it might be the village's secret.

 Ask for five-star praise!Support the queen, give five stars full marks!mwah!
  Finally, I wish Yan'er a happy birthday!

(End of this chapter)

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