Chapter 849 Twin Flower Text Clues

It's just that after reading the introduction of Twin Flowers, she always felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

Did she see the record of twin flowers in other places?
"Now I can only look at the third paragraph to see if there are twin flowers."

She couldn't understand the characters of the Yaozu, so she looked at Baili and the Great God Luanqing.

"The characters are very old. They belong to an ancient clan of the Monster Race. Even I can't recognize a few of them."

When Bai Li saw this complicated writing, it should be the secret characters of a certain clan of the Yaozu. Even the Yaodi couldn't recognize it completely, so he could only be sure that it was the Yaozu's writing.

He belongs to the fox clan, and the characters are neither the characters of the fox clan, nor the common characters of the monster clan.

"Great God, the most important thing here is the last paragraph, it's all up to you."

Yun Jinli looked at the Great God Luanqing. This guy immediately recognized that it was a Yaozu script. He should know it, right?
"It's useless to rely on the god. It knows me, but I don't know it."

The Great God Luanqing said in embarrassment, this is not their clan's writing, how can he recognize it?
"Why do you have so many monster characters?"

Yun Jinli was speechless, it was rare that there were a few monsters here, but none of them were reliable.

"Just treat me as illiterate."

The great god Luanqing spread his wings, smashed the jar directly, and made an illiterate gesture.Anyway, he didn't know what was written on it, so it was useless to ask him.

"Okay, I know you can't do it, so I won't embarrass you."

Yun Jinli gave Luanqing a funny look. In fact, apart from his bad temper, this guy is also very cute sometimes.

"Let's do the task first! This last paragraph of text, find a way to find out which family of text it is, and study it when the time comes."

"That's all."

Feng Liuyue was also very helpless, she was already very close to Twin Flowers, but she stopped at the last step.

She felt that she was very close to the truth. Since the stele recorded the situation of the twin flowers in detail, there must be the location of the twin flowers.

"This is the language of the tree demon clan, with vines and grass leaves as the characters."

The beauty Shenglian, who had been silent by the side, finally opened her golden mouth when she saw the sad look on Feng Liuyue's face.

"Tree demon, yes! Why didn't I think of that."

Bai Li remembered that the characters were all vines and flowers, and only the Dryads liked such characters.

"The words of the Tree Monster Clan, the Lotus God must know what it means."

Feng Qingyun said excitedly, this is really a bright future.

I thought there was no way to go, but I didn't expect that there was a new way.

"Isn't the Lotus God a lotus flower demon? How could he know the characters of the Tree Clan..."

Yun Jinli asked in puzzlement, before she could finish her sentence, Feng Qingyun covered her mouth.

"Jingjing, don't talk nonsense. That guy is a tree. If you say he is a lotus, be careful when he gets angry. When the lotus god is angry, he is very scary."

Feng Qingyun said through voice transmission, that guy Shenglian is not easy to get along with!

An eye knife flying over can make a person freeze for a day.

They are also masters, but his master, Yue Jinhua, is a super easy-going and warm man, while Feng Liuyue's master is this cold lump of ice, which is both icy and hard.

"Isn't he the lotus god?"

Yun Jinli asked through voice transmission, she thought the lotus god was the lotus flower!

"Do you still remember the ten-thousand-year-old crape myrtle tree in front of our house? It is the body of this ice lump. His name is Shenglian, so he is honored as the lotus god, and my father is called the wind god!"

Feng Qingyun said to her, if this secret was to an outsider, he would not tell it, but Yun Jinli was one of his own, so he could tell it.

(End of this chapter)

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