Chapter 852 A Little Water Demon
"Then we have to lure out the water demon first, otherwise it will be obviously disadvantageous underwater."

Feng Qingyun said, the water demon is invincible in the water, only on land can the water demon appear.

"Since this water demon likes to catch children, we need a child as bait."

Yun Jinli looked at the calm lake water, if the water demon refused to come out, they would be useless as heroes.

The water demon can blend into the lake water, making it difficult to tell whether it is the lake water or the water demon.

"Just burn this lake together, why bother!"

The great god Luanqing is still extremely violent, and if he disagrees with him, he will burn the lake.

"Don't burn it! This lake is the source of water for the surrounding villagers, and the irrigation of crops depends on the water here, so a reward was specially issued to the temple."

Yun Jinli had also read the content of the reward mission, this water source was very important to the villagers, otherwise they would have to avoid provoking the water demon, and there was no need to ask the Holy Church to do it.

"Mortals are really troublesome!"

Master Luanqing said impatiently, he didn't expect to deal with such a small water demon, it would be so troublesome.

"Then what do you say? Where can we find children?"

"It's simple, Yueyue and I can be the bait!"

Yun Jinli blinked her spiritual eyes, while Feng Liuyue looked astonished.

"Li'er, you don't want me to use the illusion technique?"

Seeing Yun Jinli nodding, Feng Liuyue couldn't help but part her cherry-colored red lips.

"Yes! Let's be little sisters together!"

Yun Jinli was surrounded by a layer of spiritual mist, and she turned into a little girl with the illusion technique, and even her clothes changed into a cute skirt.

Feng Liuyue turned around and turned into a little girl. Feng Qingyun was stunned by the two extremely cute and beautiful little girls.

"This illusion technique is too strong!"

In fact, this is just an illusion, their appearance has not really changed, but in the eyes of others, they are so cute.

"Haha, Yueyue, you look so cute!"

Yun Jinli looked at Feng Liuyue, an iceberg beauty, transformed into a cute little milk baby, so cute that one couldn't help but kiss her.

"Don't just talk about me, you look cuter."

Feng Liuyue looked at Yun Jinli's big eyes that were sparkling, and her palm-sized face that was rosy, as delicate as a porcelain doll.

"Stop boasting to each other, you two, hurry up and get to work."

Feng Qingyun urged, now that there are children, just wait for the water demon to take the bait.

Yun Jinli and Feng Liuyue came to the lake and sat by the water to play.

That picture looks really pleasing to the eye, and people can't help being fascinated when they look at it.

Yun Jinli had a pure and innocent smile on her face, as if she was a little sun, warming people's hearts.

Seeing that the water demon hadn't moved for a long time, she guessed that they didn't make a sound.

Let Feng Liuyue pretend to be a child, it is really too difficult for her, if she wants to learn how to speak like a child, she will definitely go crazy.

So Yun Jinli sat by the water and sang a nursery rhyme "Insects Fly" with a super cute and sweet childish voice.

"The dark sky hangs down
Bright stars follow

worms fly worms fly
who are you missing

The stars in the sky are crying

Withered roses on the ground

cold wind blow cold wind
as long as you are with me


The sound of the wind has become soft, and the white clouds seem to no longer be floating.

The heart lake was very quiet this day, and Yun Jinli's singing was so clear here.

Listening to her singing nursery rhymes, God Luanqing revealed a rare gentleness in his eyes.

Bai Li looked at the clean smile on her face, he thought it was the most beautiful picture in the world.

(End of this chapter)

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