Chapter 857

The enclosed space is extremely dark, even the Youdie Fengyan in her hand can only illuminate the area under her feet.

"Crack! Crack! Crack!"

A strange laughter resounded from the darkness.

The sound came from all directions, making it hard to tell which direction it was coming from.

"Master? Xiaobai?"

Yun Jinli found that both Luanqing and Baili had disappeared, and she was the only one left in this place.

There was nothing but darkness in front of him.

She stepped back, only to find that the entrance had disappeared.

"No matter who is pretending to be a ghost, I will show you what you are."

She stretched out her palm, but Utama didn't glow, and Yinyanghua didn't respond at all, even the connection with Little Butterfly disappeared.

"I understand."

The corners of her lips raised slightly, and her eyes regained her usual composure. She has discovered the secret of this place.

At this moment, Li Yunxiao had already reported this matter to Hall Master Hua, and she also guessed that this matter was tricky, so she only told Granny Hua.

Except for her and several other successors in the temple, the hall master may have tampered with the key.

"Someone is doing something in the temple, don't let this matter out, I will go there myself."

Granny Hua showed an angry look on her face, and she rushed to the dormitory area without delay.

She already knew that the person who broke through the nine gates was Jing, and she admired this child very much.

There was a big problem with that dormitory, many people disappeared in it.

The hall masters checked the situation inside with their spiritual sense, but they almost fell, so they didn't take the risk themselves.

The seven hall masters are the pillars of the sanctuary, and there is no room for mistakes, so they are naturally cautious.

It's just that the key that was put away at the beginning has reappeared now and has been handed over to the freshman.

She felt that there must be a ghost in the upper echelons of the church, and this was what she was most worried about.

"That kid Jing is smart and quick-witted, so he should be able to spot a problem there."

When she rushed to the door of the [-] dormitory, she saw the trace that the door lock had been opened, and her heart sank suddenly.

"Isn't this kid very smart? How did he get in?"

An anxious look appeared on her face, she hesitated for a moment, took out a spare key, and opened the gate of [-].


There was a crisp sound of the door opening, accompanied by the heavy sound of the stone door being pushed open.

After opening the door, Granny Hua was shocked by the scene in front of her.

A bright lamp in front of him illuminates the stone house, and the whole house is spotless.

The skylight above was opened, and the stale air in the stone house disappeared.

On the stone couch, Yun Jinli placed a small table with a delicate and slender blue and white porcelain vase on it.

The color of blue and white is very simple and elegant.In the thin mouth of the vase, soft pink rose branches are inserted obliquely.

These are roses planted in the Zhiyue tassel space, and Yun Jinli picked some.

There are two stone beds in the dormitory, which can be used for cultivation or rest.

There is also a simple stove at the back for cooking.

At this moment, Yun Jinli was cooking vegetables, a little white fox was helping to wash the vegetables, and a little red bird was lying on the futon in the attitude of an uncle, looking very comfortable.

"Mother-in-law, why are you here? I made some side dishes, let's sit down and have dinner together!"

When Yun Jinli saw Granny Hua standing at the door, a smile appeared on her face.

"Did I go to the wrong dormitory?"

Granny Hua exited the door and looked carefully at the house number. That's right!

(End of this chapter)

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