The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 862 Looking for the Red Moon Dragon Blood Flower

Chapter 862 Looking for the Red Moon Dragon Blood Flower

"small butterfly."

Immediately afterwards, Yun Jinli summoned Little Butterfly.

A small blue butterfly fluttered beside her.

The beautiful butterfly wings seemed to be dotted with moonlight, and where he flew, there was a meteor-like light belt.

"Mother, what do you want from me?"

The little butterfly flew to Yun Jinli's fingertips, her big eyes were shining brightly, staring at her with admiration.

"I need to trouble Little Butterfly to help find the whereabouts of Chiyue Dragon's Blood Flower."

Yun Jinli said that she wanted to find the Chiyue Dragon's Blood Flower in the shortest possible time, and needed the help of Little Butterfly.

"Okay! Okay! I like doing things for my mother the most."

Xiaodie said happily that being able to help Yun Jinli allowed him to find his own sense of existence.

With so many powerful beasts around Yun Jinli, the still-growing Supreme Gu was overshadowed.

He was raised by Yun Jinli with her heart and soul and the purest spiritual power. He is connected with her blood and is the closest.

"Mother, look at me!"

With the order of the little butterfly, the small insects on the grass blades flew up like a tide, scattered according to his intention, and searched for the red moon dragon's blood flower from different directions like a carpet.

Sure enough, once Little Butterfly made a move, the efficiency was astonishingly fast.

"Mother! I found a Chiyue dragon's blood flower, but the flower has been picked, and the flower seedlings withered."

The voice of the little butterfly sounded quickly.

After a short pause, before Yun Jinli could speak, Little Butterfly said again: "I also found a plant in another direction, but in the same situation, the flowers have already been picked."

"Oh? In the Tianfeng mountain stream, are there other people looking for the Chiyue Dragon Blood Flower?"

Yun Jinli frowned slightly, someone came over one step faster than her, it was not a good idea.

"This is a heaven-level reward mission. The rewards are very many star points. Doing one can be worth ten ordinary ones. If no one grabs it, there will be ghosts."

God Luanqing made sarcastic remarks at the side, which always made Yun Jinli want to beat him up.

"The problem is, this task has been taken over by me, who will be against me?"

Yun Jinli said, she accepted this task, and logically no one else could accept it.

"There are many demons and ghosts in the temple, and there are countless villains, so we must guard against them."

Bai Li opened his mouth and said, maybe someone knew that she had accepted this heaven-level mission, and deliberately tripped her up secretly.

Many people wanted to find a chance to embarrass Yun Jinli, and this day-level reward task was not a daily task.

If the mission fails, star points will be deducted.

"Look again! I want to see who is so ungrateful."

Yun Jinli snorted domineeringly, and suddenly accelerated forward.

With phantom boots on her feet and a Gale Belt around her waist, she is extremely fast.

At the same time, the little butterfly also ordered the little insects to continue searching.

However, probably due to the scarcity of Chiyue Dragon Blood Flowers, there was no response from Little Butterfly after a long time.On the contrary, the ominous beast met several of them.

Surrounded by flames around Yun Jinli, they turned the culled beasts into ashes one after another. Bai Li and Bi Luo cleared the way ahead, and they went deeper into the Tianfeng mountain stream step by step.

"Mother, I found a Chiyue Dragon's Blood Flower."

Xiaodie suddenly jumped up and said that he had received the news and told Yun Jinli immediately.


Yun Jinli smiled and praised, and swept away at extremely high speed under the guidance of Little Butterfly.

"This time, I can't be preempted by others."

They speeded up and arrived at the place that Little Butterfly said, and Yun Jinli saw a striking red color appear among the lush green grass.

(End of this chapter)

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