Chapter 886

"Yueyue, do you usually go out shopping?"

Yun Jinli reached out to hold Feng Liuyue's arm, and the two looked like a young couple.

She saw that Feng Liuyue was always wearing the snow lotus necklace she carved for her, and she could see that she cherished it.

"will not."

Feng Liuyue said lightly, today she is wearing a black and white robe, as chic and elegant as a crane.

The pattern of Yin-Yang and Bagua on the robe seems to be moving, constantly rotating.

"Old sister knows how to practice every day, how can she go shopping!"

Feng Qingyun's purple clothes are sparkling, and her clean eyes are full of childishness.

"It's only Jingjing who has a lot of face, otherwise the old lady would definitely not come out to hang out."

He knew that Feng Liuyue was worried that the ten-foot-long soft world would be too chaotic, so he specially accompanied Yun Jinli out to get acquainted.

He has grown up so big, and his sister has never been so kind to him.

"Feng Qingyun, you talk too much."

Feng Liuyue yelled directly with his name, he just spoke freely and was talkative.

"This is definitely not my sister. I think you are Jingjing's sister. The difference in treatment is too great!"

Feng Qingyun said quietly, showing a look of grievance.

"I also want to have a sister."

Yun Jinli thought of Ziyue, who loved her sister Ziying the most, and was also the person she couldn't let go of.

"Li'er is much cuter than you."

Feng Liuyue's eyes, as cold as flying frost and reflecting snow, showed a faint smile.

"If it's more cute, I'm ashamed. I'm a pure man."

Feng Qingyun said with a smile, she didn't take her words to heart at all, the siblings are very harmonious, one hot and the other cold.

"There is ten feet of soft red dust ahead, where dragons and snakes are mixed, so be careful."

Yun Jinli heard the words and looked towards the bustling street ahead, where there were many antique buildings.

A bunch of old trees are scattered among the buildings, and I don't know how long they have grown.

There are secluded tea houses with flying eaves and copper tiles, restaurants with flying flags, simple and quiet courtyards, and various stalls on the long street.

The most eye-catching thing is the blood-colored high platform, which looks extremely spectacular.

Everyone was watching outside, there was no special building to accommodate the blood killing platform, and it was built on the open square like this.

The Blood Slaughter Platform was covered with the blood of the Supreme Being, and the blood of countless Huanling Emperors, which dyed the arena red.

At this moment, on the Blood Slaughter Platform, there are two people fighting to the death, it is tragic and cruel.

In order to become stronger, they fight each other on the blood killing platform, and unless one side admits defeat, they will die endlessly.

It's just that the loser has to pay all the star points, so many people are unwilling to give up.

"Jingjing, you see there are spirit beast eggs and cubs for sale there, you like keeping small pets, do you want to buy a bunch?"

Feng Qingyun said, pointing to a small stall not far away.

"It's enough for me to have Xiaobai! Xiaobai is already so cute."

Yun Jinli hugged Bai Li and said that she saw all kinds of spirit beast eggs and cubs on the stall, and there were various colorful fish and water spirit beasts in the water tanks.

Bai Li was lying in her arms, enjoying her caress, which was very beneficial.

If someone once told His Majesty Baidi that he would lie in the arms of a little girl and enjoy her caress, he would definitely scoff.

But now he really likes to stay by Yun Jinli's side, this feeling is really good, and he doesn't want to leave at all.

"Actually, I'm handsome now, but I'm so low-key that you didn't see it."

(End of this chapter)

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