Chapter 892 Prepare to Pay the Price

Yun Jinli couldn't help but froze when he saw everyone's speed.

This speed is not to mention leftovers, even the bowl will be eaten.

The uncle who was originally very steady was already eating the plate.

Seeing everyone looking at him, the uncle couldn't help but blush.

"Jingjing, I want to go to your place to eat and drink every day, no, I might as well live in your place, so that I can eat and drink every day."

Feng Qingyun said, she has a soft spot for the dishes made by Yun Jinli.

"Feng Qingyun! You are not allowed to speak."

When Feng Liuyue heard his words, she gave him a cold look.

This guy was outspoken and foolish, and he even said he was going to live at Yun Jinli's place!
"My dormitory is [-], do you really dare to come and live there?"

Yun Jinli smiled slightly, and seeing that everyone had finished eating, she washed the plates with spiritual power and put them away.

"What? You live in [-]! Isn't that dormitory haunted and sealed off?"

Feng Qingyun said in shock, thinking that someone was harming Yun Jinli, she immediately became angry.

"I'm going to find out who is behind the scenes now! It's really easy to bully our family."

He was so angry that he left directly, the speed was so fast that people couldn't catch up at all, he moved to a far away place in a single step.


Seeing him leaving so impulsively, Yun Jinli worried that he would get into trouble and wanted to chase him back.

"Let him go! Since someone dares to make a small move, he must be prepared to pay the price."

Feng Liuyue's icy voice carried a strong evil spirit, which showed that she was extremely angry at the moment.

"The next time you encounter this kind of thing, let me know as soon as possible."

She said to Yun Jinli with sincere concern in her voice.

The first time she saw Yun Jinli, she felt that she was a good fit.

Especially the Tianlong Magic Qin played by Yun Jinli made Feng Liuyue feel very familiar.

"it is good."

Seeing how nervous they were, Yun Jinli knew that they were worried that she would be in danger alone.

"Actually, there's nothing terrible about that dormitory. I live in a good place now, so you don't have to worry about it."

She just mentioned something casually, but she didn't expect them to take it so seriously.

"Whether it's really as weird as the rumors say or not, anyone who has ill intentions towards you is my enemy."

Feng Liuyue's words are very straightforward, her heart is extremely cold, but she protects her weaknesses extremely.

"I'll take you to Master Zhutian first, this matter will definitely not just go away like this."

Yun Jinli nodded. Things have been going on since she came to the church, and she hasn't had time to investigate the matter.

"Uncle, thank you for your tea and vegetables, let's go."

"Little guy, there will be a time later. The dishes you cook are delicious, and the uncle likes them very much. You are welcome to come and pick them often. Let me tell you a little secret. In fact, I can only grow vegetables, but I don't know how to cook them."

The handsome uncle said, with a bright smile on his face.

"Uncle, goodbye!"

After saying goodbye to this mysterious uncle, Yun Jinli left Zhenhe Yimeng Teahouse from the other side with the little white fox and Feng Liuyue in her arms.

There were too many pairs of eyes watching Qingyu Xinghua Lane, and they didn't go out from there.

"Li'er, you keep this leaf."

Feng Liuyue put the Zen Xin tea leaves in Yun Jinli's hands.

"Yueyue, this Zen heart tea is very useful to you."

Yun Jinli looked at Feng Liuyue in confusion, wondering why she didn't keep this tea, didn't she know the function of Zen tea?

"I don't need this, you can keep it for yourself, or give it away."

Feng Liuyue replied seriously, she never joked, and the decisions she made were all after careful consideration.

(End of this chapter)

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