Chapter 894

"Who is that woman? So arrogant!"

Yun Jinli saw the young mermaid hanging from a tree, he hadn't been able to melt his feet yet, his originally beautiful fish tail was now bloody and bloody.

"She is Nangong Zi, and she is also a master of beast taming. She is narrow-minded, and she will take revenge."

Feng Liuyue briefly introduced this person. The Nangong Clan is one of the eight major clans in Longyuan Continent, and each of these eight major clans has its own power in the holy hall.

The Longyuan Continent is named after Longyuan. Although there are a few geniuses from other continents who entered the Longyuan Sacred Palace, the largest number are from the Longyuan Continent, so the eight major families still have a strong influence here.

Naturally, they would not offend Nangong Zi for a small mermaid slave.

"Can a beast tamer bully people like this?"

Yun Jinli was deeply moved when she saw the merman boy bit his red lips without shedding a single tear. His stubborn look moved her deeply.

She didn't know why other people could be so indifferent?
You can turn a blind eye to such a scene, and some people even bet on the sidelines that this young man can survive for a few days.

The young man's pale face, dry lips, and cracked scales all proved that he had been hung in this waterless place for a while.

"If you can't shed tears, I'll dig out your eyeballs. Then I'll split your fish tail, let you have your feet, and send you to be a prostitute, to be trampled and played with. You must be such a beautiful little girl." Face, many people like it."

Nangong Zi sneered and said, her words made the young man's face paler, like a blank sheet of paper, wishing he could die directly to avoid being insulted.

"If you dare to commit suicide, then all of your clansmen will have their scales removed by me."

She saw the young man wanting to bite his tongue to commit suicide in shame and angrily, pointing to the cage beside him with blood-red nails on his hands, where several mermen were also imprisoned, all of them were members of his clan.

Watching him suffer at this moment, his people wept sadly, and crystal pearls rolled to the ground.

The boy looked at his clansman, his heart trembled, and he closed his eyes in pain.

He can't die!

Even if you are humiliated, you must live for your clansmen.

It's just that the tribe has fallen into the hands of this vicious woman, is there any way out?
But he can't do anything!
He hated himself so much, he felt that he was useless and could not protect them.

He also hated this world, the weak would have no dignity at all if they were to be trampled on like this.

But he will not give in, no matter how tortured him, he will endure.

"Forget it, I'll give you another chance. It seems that you care about your clansmen very much. Then I will slaughter them one by one in front of you to see if you are still hard-hearted."

Nangong Zi walked towards the cage, pulled out an old mermaid, and threw the old mermaid to the ground.

"Oh my, look at your back, you are rushing to kill thousands of troops, turning your head to scare away millions of soldiers. Your ugliness scares me. You have to pay for mental damage."

A crisp voice came down and landed in Nangong Zi's ears like five thunderclaps.

"Who dares to say I'm ugly?"

Nangong Zi conceived of her beauty and was proud of it. When she heard someone call her ugly, her eyes burned with anger, like a dog whose tail had been trampled on, and roared violently.

"Brat, do you want to die? Open your eyes wide and see, how ugly am I?"

"Even if you threaten me, I must insist on telling the truth. Even though you have put on ten layers of powder, you can't cover your ugly heart full of holes."

Yun Jinli looked at her provocatively, which showed that Her Highness the Queen was here to provoke trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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