Chapter 909

"When I think about doing some bad things to deceive people, I feel excited all over."

On Feng Qingyun's handsome and flawless face, there was a smile as bright as the sun, and a row of white teeth, like pearls, looked very shiny.

A pair of pupils shining like glass, like a clear spring, extremely clear.

The bridge of the nose like white jade and the lips like red lotus are all flawless.

He is always dressed in a luxurious purple robe, and his body clearly exudes the ethereal beauty of mountains and rivers, but he has an eccentric temperament.

He is really a contradictory body, he is a great devil, but he has a flawless heart.

"I've investigated the northern border. It's an extremely dangerous place. And it's already out of the range of the holy church. But I have time and space to break the blade. It's okay to go out, but it's troublesome to come back."

Feng Qingyun has been busy with these two things for the past few days, the first is the key-checking event, and the second is the undead in the northern border of Longyuan.

"I will set up a teleportation array, and it will be sent back when the time comes, but now that the temple is closed, I don't know if it will be successful."

Yun Jinli was a little worried. She could set up the teleportation array, but it might not be effective.

"The temple can be entered but cannot be exited, but it is said to block the temple and the outside world. In fact, it is to block the entire Longyuan and the outside world. It can enter but not exit. The northern border of Longyuan is not counted outside, so there is no problem."

Feng Qingyun explained that if Yun Jinli could deploy the teleportation array, they could come back.

The holy hall and Longyeon are one, but Longyeon is too dangerous, so barriers were set up around the holy city.

"Jingjing, give me the laxative quickly."

"Here, here you are, this leaf can function when it is soaked in water. I named it Yixieqianli. Let's go together!"

Yun Jinli gave Feng Qingyun a few yellow leaves and smiled.

"Okay! Let's go! I can't wait."

Feng Qingyun nodded excitedly, like a chicken pecking at rice.

"These two bad guys!"

The great god Luanqing has awakened from his cultivation, and his whole temperament has become different.

He turned into a little red bird and flew to Yun Jinli's shoulder. Because he broke through the shackles of the realm, he was in a particularly good mood, and he didn't think about Yun Jinli tickling him for a while.

"It's bad."

Bai Li jumped into Yun Jinli's arms and said seriously.

"But this is very good! Will cheat people to the end."

"It feels like the two originally pure little beasts have been spoiled by the mirror."

Feng Qingyun took a look at Master Luanqing and Bai Li, it was really like birds of a feather flocked together and people were divided into groups.

"Closer to vermilion is red, and close to ink is black. They are already dark, don't be fooled by their cute appearance."

Yun Jinli stood on tiptoe and patted Feng Qingyun's shoulder, why is this guy so tall?

Her Royal Highness is not very satisfied with her current height, she is still a little lolita.


Seeing that she was about to stand on tiptoe and pat his shoulder, Feng Qingyun couldn't help laughing.

"Laugh at you to death!"

Yun Jinli gave him an angry look.

Feng Qingyun showed a look of complacency, stuck out her tongue, and made a grimace, completely like a child who didn't grow up.

"I heard that Nangong Zi and Nangong Bao have been guarding you at the Blood Slaughter Platform for several days! I laughed so hard, do you know about this?"

"I know they'll be watching! So I made a point of telling them that I'll go and let them wait."

Yun Jinli pursed her lips into a smile, which was to put pigeons on purpose.

"Jingjing, we are indeed a match made in heaven! Let's go crazy together!"

The corners of Feng Qingyun's lips are raised, she really likes her dark temperament, she is the cutest when she is cheating.

(End of this chapter)

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