Chapter 916 Still Depends on My God

"Xiaobai has been picking a blood ganoderma for so long?"

Yun Jinli felt a little worried, but picked a ganoderma, it should be very fast.

"I'll go find him and come over to join you in a while."

As she said that, she immediately rode the rainbow unicorn Feihong on the snow and flew towards the Red Blood Cliff.

"That little fox is really weak. You can't even pick a blood ganoderma. You still have to rely on me."

God Luanqing said, in fact, he still cares about Baili.

He flew very fast and searched around the Red Blood Cliff.

"There's someone over there!"

Yun Jinli has a contractual relationship with Bai Li, and she followed her induction to find it.

"Woman, these people are all at the supreme level. It seems that we are at a disadvantage when we fight in such a group."

God Luanqing felt that the leading woman exuded a dangerous aura, and at the same time, there was an aura that disgusted him.

"That masked woman is probably not weak, and she has a big killer on her body. I feel a threat."

"Xiaobai fell into their hands."

Yun Jinli glanced around and saw the cage in the big man's hand.

"God, look at that golden cage."

"It should be a storage space for life. The little fox should be glad that it was not thrown into the storage space."

The great god Luanqing spoke, causing Yun Jinli to give him a blank look.

"At this time, you are still in the mood to joke."

"It's too bad for the two of us to face them. If we are entangled by them, it's not easy to get out. Find a suitable opportunity to save the little fox."

Great God Luanqing analyzed their strength. Although the Great God is sure of his own strength, but they have a large number of people, and they might have some secret treasure.

He has suffered big losses before, and this time he will not take it lightly.

At the beginning, he was too confident in his own strength, so he was designed by the villain, and finally suppressed in the nine-star ice coffin.

The other party also wanted to kill him, but they were greedy and wanted his secrets.

In the end, he was still out of trouble, and he must find those people.


Yun Jinli was not impulsive, the opponent was obviously strong, and she was not out of her mind, how could she kill impulsively?

She and God Luanqing retreated from here first, and then told Feng Liuyue and the others about the situation here.

"Yueyue, Xiaobai was arrested, and the other party has twelve supreme beings, the situation is not good."

"Where are you? Let's go now."

When Feng Qingyun heard this, she immediately said excitedly, feeling like a bunch of copycats fighting in groups.

"We are west of Chiyue Cliff."

Yun Jinli replied that if they encountered such a group of supreme lineup teams, they would definitely avoid them as much as they could.

But now Baili was in their hands, so he had to fight against them.

Not long after, Feng Liuyue, Feng Qingyun and Shenglian rushed over. After understanding the situation clearly, they discussed countermeasures.

"There are many people on the other side, we must lure them away, so that we can save Xiaobai."

Feng Qingyun said that he could only try to lure them away.

"These people are not from our church."

Feng Liuyue feels that they are all strangers, they should be outsiders.

"According to my observation, this is a family. Their clothes are all the same. Among them, the masked woman is the leader. She seems to have a powerful magic weapon on her body. The big man next to her is a servant. Looking at the woman's expression, it is clear With reverence and awe."

Yun Jinli began to analyze that he must know himself and the enemy in order to be victorious in all battles.

"As for the remaining ten, they seem to be Supremes trained together. If there is no accident, they should be able to form formations with each other to double their strength."

(End of this chapter)

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