Chapter 920 I'm Not Alone Here
"God, you are scolding me."

Yun Jinli said speechlessly, in his eyes, she was worthless.

"I really don't know a good heart. My god is obviously praising you."

Luanqing said displeasedly.

"Is there such a boast?"

Yun Jinli said dumbfoundedly, after helping God Luanqing treat the wound, she began to observe the surrounding environment.

"This is the northern border, right? I don't know what happened to Yueyue and Qingyun?"

She cared about the safety of the two of them, and wondered if they were safe or not.

Although Feng Qingyun is a scam, she didn't blame him.

The enchantment of this sanctuary is extremely strong, and I don't know what it is guarding against.

"They should be fine, you can try to contact them with a communicator."

Bai Li opened his mouth and said that if she cared, she would become chaotic.

"Yes! I almost forgot."

Yun Jinli immediately took out the anemone communicator and contacted them immediately.

It seemed that Feng Liuyue was too far away from her, so she couldn't get in touch, but she managed to get in touch with Feng Qingyun.

"Qingyun, how is your situation?"

"It's not dead yet, but my ass is about to shatter. I need to recuperate here."

Feng Qingyun said, it seems that the fall was quite serious.

"Are you okay alone?"

When Yun Jinli heard what he said, she guessed that he was injured, otherwise she would have come over to join her immediately.

"I'm not alone here."

Feng Qingyun replied.

"Is Yueyue with you too? I can't contact her, or is it Lian Shen?"

Yun Jinli asked.

"No, the two of them fell in the same place. I saw it. You don't have to worry about them, just protect yourself."

Feng Qingyun told her a few words, he can't help her now, but with the Great God Luanqing by her side, he can heal his wounds with peace of mind.

"Uh, who else?"

Yun Jinli remembered that they were the only ones who came, but who is Feng Qingyun with now?
"There are also a group of non-human guys. It's not boring to have them to accompany me to entertain me. Wait until you find the undead, then come and pick me up."

Feng Qingyun said, there are many ghosts in this place, just to chat with him.

Originally, they rushed up to eat him, but they didn't know that it was His Majesty the Ghost Emperor.

So now this group of ghosts can only accompany him to relieve boredom.


Yun Jinli knew that Feng Qingyun was a demon king in the world, so there was no problem in saving his life here.

Shenglian and Feng Liuyue stayed together, so they should be safe.

Now she is only responsible for finding the undead, but the northern border is so big, where can she find it?
The northern border is located in Longyuan, the sky is gray and looks very depressing.

The surrounding area is rocky, like a dead place.

"Great God, will the undead really be in this kind of place?"

Yun Jinli saw that this place was so desolate, how could someone settle their family here?
You can't even eat in this place.

"The stele says it's here, so naturally it is."

Great God Luan Qing nodded, the records on the stele should be correct.

"The stone tablet of Emperor Qing."

Yun Jinli suddenly remembered that there was a willow branch in the Liu family, which belonged to Emperor Qing.

Since the stele was left by Emperor Qing, it means that he may have been to the undead.

She immediately took out the willow branch, which was the token of the head of the Liu family, and now she is the head of the willow family, and she is keeping the willow branch.

After the willow branch appeared, it suddenly lit up with a bright green light, guiding her in the direction.

 Seeing Xiao Ge'er working so hard, please support and encourage her a lot!
(End of this chapter)

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