The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 922 I have seen through everything

Chapter 922 I have seen through everything

On the Red Blood Cliff, the big man woke up and saw that the cage disappeared, and his face turned pale.

Looking up and seeing Mei Ji standing beside him, he immediately knelt on the ground and looked at her tremblingly.

"Miss, subordinates are useless."

The big man said, with a look of panic on his face.

Mei Ji gave him a cold look, and he felt a sharp pain in his stomach.

His face was extremely pale, and he was rolling on the ground in pain.

"Thank you, Miss, for not killing me."

Until Mei Ji let him go, he immediately knelt down and kowtowed to thank her.

The Wan Gu Sect created a large number of supreme beings by virtue of the poison, and also controlled them by virtue of the poison, so that they could not have dissent.

"Specially lure me away, is it because of that fox?"

Maggie frowned, maybe it wasn't an ordinary fox.

"Could it be the one the Devil Emperor is looking for?"

She suddenly remembered the White Emperor that the Devil Emperor was looking for, could it be that she caught this one?

"Everyone come back."

She sent out a signal, and soon, people who were searching around gathered.

"Miss, my subordinates have not found any undead."

Everyone replied.

"There's no need to look for it. Someone will guide us. I want to see if it's there."

She felt that it was impossible for that person to come to this place without incident. She moved her hands and feet on that person, and she could sense his position at this moment.

"Think I'm really that easy to deceive?"

She said with a sneer, as if she had seen through everything a long time ago, all she did was just acting.

"Set off."

She led the crowd towards the direction Yun Jinli and the others left. Now that someone is leading the way, it saves her from searching everywhere.

In the northern border of Longyuan, Feihong Treading Snow carried Yun Jinli in the air, following the guidance of Qingdi's willow branches.

A gust of wind blew in, blowing Yun Jinli's long hair, and the ear was extremely quiet, except for the sound of the wind, there was no other movement.

Bai Li was in her arms, with a pair of glazed eyes, looking at the barren northern border.

The ground seemed to have cracks like spider webs, and the whole land seemed to be cracked, looking extremely broken.

There is no vegetation in this place, and I don't know what kind of creatures can survive here?
The great god Luanqing was injured because of his wings, and now he turned into a little red bird, lying on Yun Jinli's shoulder.

Yun Jinli was dressed in blue-feathered streamer armor, silver moon bracers, a wind belt around her waist, and phantom boots under her feet. She looked heroic and majestic.

"Squeak! Squeak! Squeak! Squeak!"

A burst of intensive screams suddenly resounded, as if they were surrounded from all directions.

The sound appeared very suddenly without any warning.

The next moment, a group of black bats rushed out from the cracks in the ground.

If it was just an ordinary swarm of bats, Yun Jinli would not be afraid, but when she saw the swarm of bats in front of her, her expression changed instantly.

At this moment, she understood why the Holy Church built such a strong barrier, even in the weakest place, the resilience is very strong.

Because the creatures in the northern border turned out to be the kind of black mist that she, Feng Liuyue and the others encountered in the black mist valley in the secret realm of Youdu, and they carried a terrifying aura of destruction.

These things swallowed by the black demon mist can be transformed into their forms, and even imitate their voices.

The black feathers all over the sky, accompanied by the group of bats, fell like a torrential rain, which made Yun Jinli's whole heart ache.

"Quick! Let's go!"

She understood the horror of the monster mist, and her usually calm voice trembled a little.

(End of this chapter)

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