The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 930 One Piece of Ice Heart Jade Slips

Chapter 930
Under the oil lamp, there is a jade box ten inches long and seven inches wide. The surface of the jade box is carved with cherry blossoms, which looks lifelike.

The willow branch left her hand and landed on the cherry blossom jade box.


The cherry blossom jade box opened by itself, and there were pieces of icy heart jade slips inside.

Yun Jinli brushed off the dust, and sat on the stone chair. With her spiritual sense, she felt that there was nothing wrong with the ice heart jade slip, so she reached out and picked up a piece.The jade slips are cold to the touch, this is the best quality of jade.

"There is nothing on this jade slip."

She saw that the crystal jade slips were extremely smooth, and there were no words engraved on them.

"Huh? There's something engraved on the back."

She touched the back of Bingxinyujian and felt the bumpy texture.

She turned the Bing Xin Yu Jian over, and saw several petals of cherry blossoms engraved on the back.

She took out other ice heart jade slips, all of which were carved with cherry blossom petals on the back, but the numbers were different.

"one two Three……"

She counted the number of cherry blossom petals on the back of the Bing Xin Yu Jian, only to find that there was an order.

She lined up the Bingxinyujian in the order from the beginning.

"There must be a mystery in it, I'll use my spiritual sense to see."

She merged into the first ice heart jade slip with her spiritual consciousness, and a picture appeared in her mind.

The picture changed from blurry to clear, and she saw a beautiful lake, sparkling with waves, as quiet as glass.

The green grass by the lake is like a green diamond inlaid on the lakeside, which is so beautiful.

This lake looked very familiar to Yun Jinli, as if she had seen it before.

A willow tree grew on a high cliff. At that time, the willow tree was only an ordinary size, full of green silk ribbons, dancing lightly in the ten-mile spring breeze.

Yun Jinli had a feeling in a trance that this might be what Emperor Qing looked like when he was a child.

That willow tree was rooted on the high cliff, and he was extremely lonely, as if he was the only one in the world.

Time flies, and on a still peaceful day, a lovely green bud suddenly appeared on the other side of the lake.

That touch of greenness seemed inconspicuous in the green grass, but it fell into the eyes of the willow tree.

He looked at the little green buds, slowly sprouting and growing up, and pulled out the branches.

It seemed that the lonely years were no longer so boring. Every day, he watched the little tree slowly grow up against the morning breeze and jade dew.

He has always been curious, what will she be when she grows up?

Time flies like a white horse, passing in a flash among the changing clouds.

The former Liuli Lake had four distinct seasons, no city was built, and there were many birds and animals.

Although there were no major disasters in this place, there were still many dangers. Every time he was worried, whether she would grow up smoothly by the lake.

When that little bud grew into a big tree against the wind, frost, rain and snow and stood firmly by the lake, he stretched out the willow branches, feeling very happy.

At that time, she was still an unattractive little tree, and he didn't recognize what kind of tree she was, but he just thought it was ugly, without the beautiful willow branches like him.

This year, there was heavy snow for a whole winter, and it was freezing cold. The green grass by the lake was all frozen to death, and it was desolate and dead.

In the heavy snow, he couldn't see if she was well, and his heart was full of anxiety.

In the spring of the second year, the snow finally stopped.

When the ice and snow melted, the sun shone on her branches, and he saw the most beautiful picture in his life.

The originally ordinary small tree bloomed a tree of sparkling cherry blossoms.

The breathtakingly beautiful cherry blossoms are inlaid with golden rims, reflecting the brilliance of the sun, which is extremely brilliant.

(End of this chapter)

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