Chapter 933

When Yun Jinli saw this, she felt a little uneasy, feeling that something was wrong with their childhood sweetheart relationship.

As for the emotional problems between them, she felt that it was not caused by Han Fei's departure.

She felt the inferiority complex and jealousy in Emperor Qing's heart. He thought that she fell in love with someone else. Such doubts were very scary.

Once the seed of doubt is planted, it will take root.

Han Fei rushed back after he crossed the catastrophe, which showed that she cared about him, but he didn't realize it himself.

And he even neglected, how did he miraculously recover after he was on the verge of death after surviving the catastrophe?
All of this must have been done by Han Fei for him. When she left, he was about to cross the catastrophe.

It is impossible for Han Fei and his years of relationship to leave at this time.

Maybe she didn't want to see the outside world, but wanted to help him.

It's just that in the process, I encountered some twists and turns, so I delayed my return time.

After all, she is a little flower god who has never left Liuli Lake. The outside world is strange and terrifying to her, full of unknown dangers.

She met a friend who helped her on the way, so she happily shared it with him when she came back, but it made him mistakenly think that she fell in love with other outstanding men.

Yun Jinli picked up the last Bing Xin Yu Jian, and sure enough, her uneasy premonition was not wrong.

Originally, Emperor Qing planned to propose to Han Fei, hoping that she could marry him as his wife.

However, at that time, the news of Xue Manchuan's mysterious disappearance came, and Han Fei immediately went to look for him after hearing the news.

"You care about him so much? As soon as you hear that something happened to him, you want to leave immediately?"

A hurt look appeared in Qingdi's eyes, she cared about other men in her heart, and his act of wanting to confess to her seemed so ridiculous.

"He's my friend, and I have to go find him."

Han Fei's voice is full of firmness, and the people and things she believes in will not change stubbornly.

"What about me? Have you ever cared about me? I won't let you go!"

Emperor Qing was afraid that once she left, she would never come back.

He was really terrified in his heart, terrified of losing her.

The Qing Emperor, who is not afraid of any danger and can talk and laugh, only has no confidence in his relationship with her.

"You're just making trouble."

Han Fei said angrily, she looked at him puzzled, saw the distrust in his eyes, and left angrily.

"Okay, you go! I will fulfill you!"

Emperor Qing threw the corolla carefully prepared for her into the glazed lake, and left Jiangxue City angrily.

He really doesn't know how to love someone, so he clearly loves deeply, but it turns into hurting each other.

If he had walked with her at that time, maybe the two of them would not have looked at each other for thousands of years, and no one had said a word to each other.

After leaving Jiangxue City in a fit of anger, Emperor Qing regretted it.

He wanted to find her, but was afraid that she would reject him indifferently.

He knew that there were five spirit flowers in the world, and he needed nine soul jades to gather five spirit flowers, so he searched everywhere for clues about five spirit flowers and nine soul jades.

Gather the five spirit flowers and condense the Ziyue Lingzhu, and all wishes can be fulfilled.

He wanted to make a wish so that she could fall in love with him.

For this reason, he trekked through thousands of rivers and mountains, just to find this glimmer of hope.

He even came to the undead to look for the Nine Soul Jade. He managed to find the Nine Soul Jade, but he didn't take it away.

"Maybe there is really no hope between us. If you don't love me, it is the greatest despair in the world. I will seal up the memories between you and me here, as if everything is over and the music is over."

 73 chapters have been updated today, and there will be another update tomorrow, and there will be 100 updates together!

  Ge'er promised everyone, and will work hard to do it!

(End of this chapter)

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