Chapter 940 So I Was Overthinking

"Don't you want the nine soul jades? As long as you, the patriarch, owns the nine soul jades, you can take your clansmen with you and go wherever you want."

Yun Jinli looked at Shen Yao, since they sent people to the Fountain of Death for this piece of Nine Soul Jade, how could they let people get it for nothing?
"How could it be? Our clan has made a contract with the Nine Soul Jade to protect it forever. You girl, you think too much."

Shen Yao said with a smile, but there was a gloomy look in his eyes.

"Ha ha."

Yun Jinli winked at God Luanqing and Bai Li, and they immediately approached her.

"It's like this! It turns out that I was overthinking."

After she finished speaking, she led Luan Qing and Bai Li back behind the arc of light, which was a line they dared not cross.

"Little girl, why are you going to the Fountain of Immortality? It's too dangerous there."

A worried look appeared on Shen Yao's face, staring at Yun Jinli.

"Don't worry! We won't hurt you."

"I don't think so! For so many years, these clansmen who died in vain, you, the patriarch, encouraged them to save your clan. You knew it was impossible, but you still let them go to die."

Yun Jinli was extremely shrewd and had already seen the clue.

"You swore to protect the Nine Soul Jade, not the person who got it. I think you came here for the Nine Soul Jade from the beginning, so you have to get it by any means."

She looked at the shocked elders and showed sympathy.

"You have all been used by him, he just wants to enslave you with the nine soul jades."

"Little girl, you can't spout blood."

Shen Yao's face was very ugly, he had planned for so long for the Nine Soul Jade.

Now that the nine soul jades have been taken out of the cursed fountain, this is his best chance.

He has cultivated for tens of thousands of years in this place where the aura is so rich that it melts into clouds, and no one can stop him.

"Woman, although I don't want to admit it, and I feel a little ashamed, but this guy is indeed stronger than me."

The Great God Luanqing reminded Yun Jinli that at such a critical moment, the Great God is unreliable.

Originally, Yun Jinli could go here directly and use the blue tear crescent to lead Luan Qing and Bai Li away, but there are still Feng Liuyue, Shenglian and Feng Qingyun outside, and she will not leave them behind.

Because they were life and death partners who dared to venture into the northern border of Longyuan for themselves, if she left alone, she would abandon her partners.

She can't do such a thing.

Bai Li looked at Shenyao's enthusiastic expression towards the Nine Soul Jade, and felt that he was really scary. In order to get the Nine Soul Jade, he kept sending his clansmen to die.

"Patriarch, is what she said true?"

Shenlu asked, he was the one who was saved by Yun Jinli.

White hair, dry face, full of old age.

"Patriarch, why do you let us go to the fountain of the curse again and again? You know that everyone will die?"

"Patriarch, tell us!"

"Our family wants to protect the nine soul jades, do you really just want to keep them for yourself?"


The old guys looked at the corpses beside the fountain of death, and suddenly felt that their patriarch had become so strange and scary.

"We guard the Nine Soul Jade, why can't we have it? With it, the whole world is mine!"

Seeing everyone's suspicious eyes, Shen Yao tore his face.

Anyway, no one is stronger than him, and he doesn't need to put on a hypocritical face. The strong naturally have the confidence of the strong.

He has been acting for 1 years, and the curtain can finally come to an end today, thanks to this little girl.


(End of this chapter)

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