Chapter 947

Yun Jinli didn't expect that he would get tens of thousands of star points just by answering the question casually.

After deducting the star points spent on buying things before, there are more than 60 star points in her jade card, which will scare people.

"Huh? It's you!"

Forget that the host, Yan Xiaoqu, saw Yun Jinli and recognized her as the boy from that day.

"Is the landlord looking for something for me?"

Yun Jinli looked at her curiously, but she didn't expect her to remember herself.

"Did you answer these questions last time?"

Yan Xiaoqu asked excitedly, a look of curiosity floated in his eyes.She felt that it was the boy who answered, but she couldn't be sure.

"Yes! What's the matter? Is the answer wrong?"

Yun Jinli felt that her answer should be correct, as the number one academic master, it was not for nothing.

"No! No! Excellent answer!"

Yan Xiaoqu said with a smile, she didn't expect it was really the boy who answered it.

"Don't know your name yet?"


Yun Jinli replied, seeing her excited look, she felt a little strange, wondering why she was so happy?
"Jing at the top of Wenhua's list, no wonder he is so talented!"

Yan Xiaoqu naturally knew the name, and it was really amazing to be able to reach the top of the Wenhua list.

"Thank you for the compliment."

Yun Jinli replied neither humble nor overbearing, not overly modest.

"Eh? The mirror is here too, what a coincidence."

Granny Hua came down from Wangji Building and saw the two of them.

"By the way, Xiaoyan, have you found the person who answered the old question last time?"

She opened her mouth to ask, because the question she left on the phantom wall was answered, so she came here to take a look.

It's just that she doesn't know who answered correctly, which makes her quite regretful.

"Coincidentally! The subject of the correct answer is this boy."

Yan Xiaoqu said with a smile.

"Hahaha, why did the old man forget this little genius? Apart from him, I am afraid that no one is so smart. Come on, let's sit upstairs."

Granny Hua invited and said that she has a tea room upstairs. When she usually comes here to read a book, she can drink tea by the way, without being disturbed by others, and it is very quiet.

"Then I'll be more respectful than obedient."

Yun Jinli followed Granny Hua to the tea room on the top floor. The environment here is very elegant and looks very quiet.

"The question I asked was about the Dream Art of the Hua Clan. Why do you understand it?"

Granny Hua closed the door, her eyes were sharp.

"I don't know how to dream, I just guess based on my feelings."

Yun Jinli replied calmly, looking openly at Granny Hua.

"May I ask, is my mother-in-law a direct line or a collateral line in the Hua clan?"

"The old man is naturally of the orthodox direct line, and now the Patriarch of the Hua Clan is my own younger sister."

Granny Hua said proudly that she didn't know why Yun Jinli asked her this question.

"Then I don't know what kind of relationship Hua Liuyan is with the current Patriarch of the Hua Clan?"

Yun Jinli and Granny Hua must be familiar by now. Although the two have only met each other a few times, they are no strangers.

"Liuyan is my sister's great-granddaughter. Do you have a quarrel with her? After all, she is a direct descendant of our Hua clan, and the future heir of the Hua clan. If there is something offending her, please don't make things difficult for her."

Granny Hua thought Yun Jinli was at odds with Hua Liuyan, so she inquired about her situation.

"Mother-in-law, that's not the case. You may find it hard to believe what I'm going to say next, but I hope you can listen to me, can you?"

Yun Jinli learned that Granny Hua was her grandmother's mother's sister, and not from Hua Liuyan's lineage.

 No.14 more!
(End of this chapter)

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