Chapter 980 You two are too much

"You two are going too far! There's no one else who sprinkles sugar."

Feng Qingyun said, seeing the sturdy and domineering queen beside Bei Chenjue, like a stream of gentle flowing water, the contrast is too strong.

The old iron buddies in his heart shouldn't have such a style of painting.

The correct way to open it should be a sturdy queen who overwhelms Bei Chenjue.

"Qingyun, I understand how you feel at the moment. Asking how much you can worry, it's like a group of eunuchs going to a brothel..."

Yun Jinli treated him like she was still the resolute queen, tough and domineering, and she didn't suffer at all.

In fact, no matter how strong the queen is, she also has a heart of spring and water, and the tenderness of the little daughter's family who clarifies Jun Su's eyebrows.

"Ahem, Jingjing, you are too bad!"

Feng Qingyun couldn't help but wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, listening to this poisonous words, it really was the style of his old buddies.

"Let's go! Let's go ahead first, and resolutely don't watch these two guys shamelessly show their affection."

Feng Qingyun laughed loudly and walked forward resolutely.

After he walked to the front, he turned around and found that the people around him had disappeared.

After the Dire Bridge, there is a labyrinth of passages with many forked roads, and these roads are changing at any time.

Yun Jinli and Bei Chenjue held hands, so they didn't get separated.

God Luan Qing and Bai Li are also on her shoulders, but Feng Qingyun and the others don't know where they are going.

"Li'er, I can't see you anymore, it seems that I have gone astray, please pay attention to safety."

Feng Liuyue spoke to Yun Jinli through the communicator, but even the communicator was malfunctioning in this place, and the voice sounded intermittent.

"You too, be careful yourself."

Yun Jinli replied that the panorama of the map appeared in her mind, and then she chose the direction.

"Let's go straight! Although these passages are changing, the direction is correct."


Bei Chenjue responded.

"Turn right."

Yun Jinli kept changing directions according to the map in her mind.

Because this is a maze-like passage, Yun Jinli and Bei Chenjue walked around for a long time, but they didn't actually finish it.

The supreme powerhouses who came one after another made screams from time to time, obviously they had reached a dead end and encountered terrible danger.

"Turn a few more turns, and I guess we can almost leave this labyrinth passage."

Yun Jinli felt that the map on this side of the maze should be coming to an end.

"To be precise, we've already left."

Bei Chenjue suddenly stopped and grabbed Yun Jinli.

In front of the two of them, a straight passage appeared.

The passage floor is paved with square stone slabs, one black and one white, extending staggered continuously, with no end in sight.

Endless starlight, scattered from the darkness above the head, seems to be messy, but it seems to hide mysterious laws.

Looking at the bottom of both sides of the passage, there is the endless darkness, and the bursts of death are like waves.

"It seems that the Xia family's map is still somewhat inaccurate."

Yun Jinli carefully compared the map of the underground palace with the actual situation in front of him. It seems that the map cannot be completely relied on.

"It's not that the route guided by the map of the maze is inaccurate, but the passage between the map of the maze and the next location is constantly changing."

Bei Chenjue spoke, observing the passage in front of him.

He is the owner of the star track building in Yunting Xingfu, and he is best at the Qimen Dunjia technique.

Seeing the stars and mountains and rivers, grasping the mysteries of heaven and earth.

Peep at the fortune of the sun and the moon, know the vicissitudes of the situation, and control the rise and fall of the country's destiny.

He is talented and well versed in ancient and modern times, which makes people feel very safe.

"Jue, do you know the mystery of this channel?"

Yun Jinli looked at the passage in front of him, thinking that it would not be as smooth as before.


(End of this chapter)

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