Chapter 989 This Is All Mine

"This is not your home, we stay as long as we like, can you control me? I'm just here to take advantage, what's wrong? What can you do to me?"

Yun Jinli said domineeringly, for a person like Nangong Bao, even good words of persuasion are useless.

"These things belong to me, don't move them! They don't belong to me, you put them there too! They all belong to me!"

"What a crazy guy! You must be tired of working!"

Nangong Bao was so angry that he ordered eight supreme powerhouses to surround Yun Jinli and Bei Chenjue.

"I think it's you who are tired of working! I don't know why there are so many people looking for death these days?"

Bei Chenjue stood in front of Yun Jinli, his eyes were full of coldness, as if ice was flying.

"Finally, I would like to ask you a question, should you go to check the sarcophagus?"

Nangong Bao asked, presumably they would be obedient under the threat of such a lineup.

"Let me tell you one last thing, shut up your stinky mouth obediently! If you dare to speak out any more outrageous words, be careful and put you in a coffin."

Bei Chenjue is extremely domineering and powerful.

"This can be."

The corners of Yun Jinli's pink lips evoked a devilish smile.

"Kill these two bastards for me!"

Nangongbao lost his patience and gave the order without even thinking about it.

However, when his words just fell, Bei Chenjue didn't wait for the eight supreme powerhouses to make a move, and ice crystals danced on the palm of his hand, which was extremely beautiful.In an instant, the field was full of wind and clouds, and terrible snow and ice surged like a tornado.

Suddenly, the force of violent suction appeared, and suddenly the eight supreme powerhouses of the Nangong family were sucked in, and they flew into the air involuntarily.


"Why can't I move!"


The eight supreme powerhouses of the Nangong family were struggling in the strong wind and vortex, but they were like falling into a quagmire, unable to escape at all.

"go with!"

Bei Chenjue's eyes were as cold as snow, and he pushed his palms suddenly.


"Bang bang bang!"

An overwhelming palm force burst out, and the eight supreme powerhouses screamed and spurted blood, and their bodies flew upside down for tens of meters like kites with broken strings.

Moreover, because Bei Chenjue first used the wind and snow tornado to move them away, under the agitation of his palm, they directly fell on many black sarcophagi.

Then, under the muffled sound of "bang bang", several black sarcophagi were smashed, and the gravel flew.

At this moment, clusters of black mist rose from the sarcophagus, enveloping the eight Nangong family supreme experts in an instant.

After a burst of screams, the eight Nangong family's supreme powerhouses were instantly swallowed.

"It seems to me that you really want to lie down in this sarcophagus."

Bei Chenjue's momentum remained undiminished, like a god emperor descending, he looked straight at Nangongbao majesticly and said.

Anyone who dares to have the slightest intention to kill Yun Jinli is his sworn enemy!

Seeing his domineering posture, Master Luan Qing and Bai Li felt very safe even though they were men.

"Don't bully me too much, I'm from the Nangong clan..."

Nangong Bao was still talking nonsense, but the ice crystals flying in the palm of Bei Chenjue came through the air in an instant, passing through his ears extremely sharply.

He was so scared that his back felt cold, and cold sweat dripped from his head.

"What a terrifying strength."

The supreme powerhouse of the Nangong family, as well as the powerhouses of several other forces, gasped.Unexpectedly, no one dared to step forward.

With just such a move, Bei Chenjue already overwhelmed the audience and frightened the crowd.

"Open the sarcophagus and lie in!"

Bei Chenjue said to Nangong Leopard, his voice was extremely cold.


(End of this chapter)

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