Women disguised as men as school grass

Chapter 1019 Shameless Part 2

Chapter 1019 Shameless Part 2
As soon as these words came out, the whole place was silent!

Han Ling was stunned by these words, then her body shook twice, and she almost fainted from the anger.

When asked how she was feeling now, she didn't know, but felt that she was about to lose her temper.

It turned out that she was just an outsider.

Yes, these years, she has no status in this family. Compared to Xia Chunlin, she doesn't look like an outsider.

She worked so hard for the Ling family, but in the end, she was just an outsider.

Are you chilling?

how come.

It's a shame to be chilled by such a person!

Ling Yiyong was furious when he heard old master Ling's words, "Dad, A Ling is my wife, not an outsider!"

"You treat her as your wife, but does she treat you as her husband? If she really takes care of the Ling family, she won't do such a thing!"

"Dad, who told you that A Ling did it, you have to prove everything!"

"Evidence? It's clear that it's her. What more evidence is needed? If it's not her, could it be you?"

Hearing this, Ling Weifeng suffocated and couldn't bear it anymore.

How could there be such a brazen person in this world!
Five days, from the incident to the present, a full five days.

The old man didn't even ask about this matter, and he came to ask for responsibility until now that he was basically stable.

This shows what?
It means that he deliberately didn't say anything before, and asked her mother to help the Ling Group through the difficulties.

Now that the crisis has passed, come to Xingshi to inquire about the crime!

Ling Weifeng was dizzy with anger, if she didn't remember that the person in front of her was her grandfather, she would still be bleeding from this person.

She really wanted to say hello, when will you die!

"Grandpa! You have to have a conscience. My mother treats the Ling family well. Without my mother, the Ling Group would have gone bankrupt long ago!
She took great pains to help the company through the crisis, but instead of thanking you, you are now asking me to blame you. Is this justified! "

Her upbringing did not allow her to swear like a shrew.

That's why he said it tactfully, but the tone was unusually tough, full of accusations.

Xia Chunlin's eyes lit up when he saw that Ling Weifeng had spoken back.

it is good!
Well cursed!
Dare to talk back to the dead old man, Ling Weifeng is doomed this time!
Ling Jiang also sat up straight and looked at Ling Weifeng with interest.

Has this younger brother finally shown his claws?

Before that, he always looked like a good grandson, and he pretended to be 360 ​​degrees without any dead ends.

It was a surprise to see her tearing her face apart.

Ling Mengxi was even more excited, let's make a fuss, the bigger the fuss, the better, it's best to drive Han Ling and Ling Weifeng out of Ling's house!

In this way, the Ling family will belong to her brother in the future, and no one will look down on her again.

Ling Yiyong was very surprised, Ling Weifeng was always polite and well-behaved in front of the elders, and never contradicted the elders.

Not to mention giving face to the elders.

This was the first time he saw his son contradict him, and he made such a strong accusation.

Looking at the angry look on Ling Weifeng's face, he felt in a daze that he had never really understood this son.

Mr. Ling was so angry that he almost had a heart attack.

He covered his chest with one hand, pointed at Ling Weifeng out of breath, "You you you..."

You have been talking for a long time, but you just can't say anything.

Ling Weifeng had always been well-behaved and sensible in front of him, but he couldn't accept it when he contradicted him like this.

He couldn't bear to scold Ling Weifeng, so he pointed the finger at Han Ling, "You poisonous woman, what kind of soup did you give my grandson to teach her to contradict me? That's how you taught my son! You not only want to destroy my Ling family , and want to destroy the descendants of my Ling family, you are not worthy to enter the gate of my Ling family at all!"

(End of this chapter)

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