Women disguised as men as school grass

Chapter 1096 The Conspiracy Begins 1

Chapter 1096 The Conspiracy Begins 1
The birthday banquet was held in the old residence of the Ling family. Although it was not as grand as the engagement banquet held by Prince Xi, it must not be underestimated.

The Ling family's status in China is very important, and when Mr. Ling was young, he was also a legend in the shopping malls, so almost all the celebrities in the business world came.

There are also many shopping malls of the older generation.

There are many people from the political and military circles.

Mr. Ling was wearing a very formal Tang suit, pulling those old friends Ling Weifeng proudly introduced to him.

As soon as Ling Jiang entered the venue, he saw this eye-catching scene.

Obviously they are all grandsons, but Mr. Ling only introduced Ling Weifeng, completely treating him as transparent.

His eyes narrowed dangerously, it doesn't matter, the higher you praise Ling Weifeng now, the worse you will fall later!
I don't know if Ling Weifeng's identity is revealed in front of so many people, if the old man can still laugh!

He turned his head and looked at Ling Mengxi, who was also full of resentment.

Lowering his voice, he asked, "Are you all ready?"

Ling Mengxi put away the viciousness on her face, and showed a gentle smile, "Don't worry, I've made all the arrangements."

"We must not fail this time. Before we announce Ling Weifeng's identity, we must make her break up with Master Xihuang."

Prince Xi Gu is the biggest variable for them, if he helps Ling Weifeng.

Even if Ling Weifeng's identity as a girl is disclosed, it is estimated that the Ling family can be snatched!

Therefore, before the plan is implemented, Prince Xi must get Ling Weifeng dumped!

Originally, he thought that Bai Feifei's attack would definitely succeed, but he didn't expect that Prince Xi Gu would have no reaction at all.

The two still lived together, and Prince Xi Gu pursued Bai Feifei more and more fiercely.

If this continues, it is estimated that Bai Feifei's identity will be exposed.

Tonight is a great opportunity.

Whether it's breaking up Prince Xi Gu and Ling Weifeng, or revealing Ling Weifeng's identity, it's an excellent opportunity!
After repeatedly telling Ling Mengxi not to show off, Ling Jiang went to receive today's guests.

From now on, the Ling family will be his, and he must establish a good relationship with these big businessmen.

After Ling Weifeng walked around with Mr. Ling, she found a place to sit down, and she was exhausted.

She rubbed her face, pretending to be cute in front of those older generations, her face froze from laughing.

After resting for a while and drinking some red wine, she began to search for Prince Xi Gu in the crowd.

For her grandfather's birthday, Xihuangzhen and Du Ruxue didn't come, but Xihuangzi Gu would come.

I searched around, but found no one.

So she took out her phone and opened WeChat.

Ling Weifeng: Where are you?

Emperor Xi's son Gu: There are some temporary matters in the company, and if it's delayed, it's over now. Miss me?

Ling Weifeng rolled his eyes: Smelly, who misses you.

Prince Xi Gu had already arrived at the underground parking lot, he chuckled lightly: I heard that someone will soon rectify my name, is it true?
Ling Weifeng blushed: My dad told me that today I will be announced as the future successor of the Ling Group, and he will take me with him for a period of time before handing over the Ling Group to me.

Emperor Xi's son Gu: Wife, if you get the Ling Group, will you disclose your identity?

Ling Weifeng thought about it: almost.

Once the Ling's Group is in hand, her mother's land will be held. Even if Xia Chunlin stays in the Ling's family, she still won't get anything.

However, she still wanted to drive Xia Chunlin out.

decide as things go.

(End of this chapter)

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