Women disguised as men as school grass

Chapter 1141 Nursing Mad Demon!

Chapter 1141 Nursing Mad Demon!

The press conference was still going on, and another reporter with a slightly fatter appearance stood up.

His eyes fell on Ling Weifeng unkindly, "I would like to ask Miss Ling to answer the following question in person."

Before Ling Weifeng expressed his opinion, Ling Yiyong's expression became even uglier.

He leaned towards Ling Weifeng, covering her halfway.

The hostile gaze was obvious, "Why are you looking at my daughter with such a gaze? Do you have a crush on my daughter? I warn you not to think of my daughter. My little princess is not something everyone can imagine."

Fat reporter, "..."

"Boss Ling misunderstood, I just want Miss Ling to answer my question in person."

Ling Yiyong's hostility became more obvious, "Why do you have to talk to my daughter? Do you want to strike up a conversation? If you keep pestering my daughter, I will sue you for harassment!"

Fat reporter, "..."

Nima, can we still have a good interview!

All the reporters are going crazy, your sister's behavior is simply daughter-in-law, you can't even ask a word!

The fat reporter's face was contorted, but he still asked the questions he had prepared.

"May I ask Miss Ling, about the rumors on the Internet that you disguised yourself as a man to seize the property of the Ling family, and also framed your stepmother and murdered your half-sister. Is it true that you are so ruthless?"

As soon as these words came out, the audience fell silent, and all the reporters dared not speak out.

This question is their main purpose today, however, no one dares to ask.

Firstly, before the press conference started, Secretary Qi had already taken care of it. They were just small reporters and did not dare to go against such a big family.

Secondly, the superiors also let go, absolutely not to embarrass Miss Ling, so although they were extremely curious, none of them dared to ask.

Unexpectedly, a dear friend who is not afraid of death appeared unexpectedly and fulfilled their wish.

Everyone's focus was on Ling Weifeng.

Ling Weifeng was indifferent, raised his hand, and brushed the fine hair beside his forehead.

Click, I don't know which reporter took the picture and frozen this scene.

The sound of the camera also pulled back everyone's thoughts.

Ling Yiyong slapped the table angrily, and everyone was too frightened to vent their anger.

The mobile phone that Ling Weifeng had just taken out was put back into his pocket.

After thinking about it, she decided not to make a move and just wait and see.

Didn't dad say that he will solve everything, then she will be a little princess quietly.

If he can't solve it, she will use her own method.

The atmosphere in the audience was tense, this time before Ling Yiyong could answer, two security guards came in frightened, and took the fat reporter away.

The reason is the same as above, the press card has been revoked.

Once can be said to be a coincidence, twice can be said to be a coincidence, and three times is definitely not a coincidence!

The reporters on the scene, one or two were all in high spirits.

Someone revoked their press credentials on the spot!

The revocation of press credentials must be submitted to their superiors for approval level by level.

And those who can do direct revocation...

Everyone shuddered violently, thinking about it with horror!
The only one who can do this is probably the top boss, the man who once turned his hand over like a cloud and directly took over the entire media.

Xi's royal family has made a move!

Thinking of Prince Xi's Gu, everyone's back felt like a prickly light.

After several big moves by Prince Xi Gu, almost everyone was afraid of this powerful and cruel young master.

After trying to understand the key point, those reporters who just thought about embarrassing Ling Weifeng, now all became cowards.

(End of this chapter)

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