Women disguised as men as school grass

Chapter 1147 Please burn the paper if you have something to do

Chapter 1147 Please burn the paper if you have something to do
Not only that, but he also paved the way. If he can't make some achievements, how can he lead the Ling family to develop.

Thinking of this, Mr. Ling began to worry about it. Don't transfer the shares first, but observe and observe first.

Seeing Mr. Ling's thoughtful expression, Ling Jiang secretly cried out in his heart.

There is probably something wrong with the transfer of property!
Although I was very anxious in my heart, I didn't dare to say it out.

He couldn't let the dead old man know that what he wanted was the property of the Ling family, otherwise, with the selfish nature of this old man, he would definitely not believe him.

Therefore, we can only stand still and wait patiently!

But he wasn't worried, he was the only grandson in the Ling family, and everything in the old man's hands would be his sooner or later!

And the ones in Ling Yiyong's hands, with the selfish character of a dead old man, he will definitely get them back at all costs.

At that time, it will all be his!
What is Ling Weifeng!
The scene of the press conference became more and more tense, because there was only 1 minute left!

Another reporter stood up abruptly, and spoke so fast, "May I ask Mr. Ling, according to your statement, daughters need to be pampered and sons need to be tempered? Then the second lady, Ling Mengxi, is also a girl. Why doesn't she have a share of the Ling family's property? Is it true that you don't want to see the two children born to the second wife within the Ling family?"

In order to save time, the reporter did his best to complete such a long sentence in one go without any pause.

The other reporters present gave thumbs up, well done!

It took three seconds to ask such a critical question, saving several seconds of time, which is very good.

Ling Yiyong remained expressionless, "Mengxi is the older sister, so the older sister should give in to the younger sister."

Everyone's faces were distorted, and today they finally experienced the highest state of talking nonsense with their eyes open!

There is no one who is eccentric like this.

I don't know who laughed loudly, "Mr. Ling, you are biased like this, does your mother know?"

Ling Yiyong looked indifferent, "Could it be that your heart grows in the center? Then I really have learned a lot.

Also, my mom died 30 years ago and she didn't know anything. "

As soon as this remark came out, there was laughter in the audience.

The tense atmosphere just now relaxed.

"Boss Ling is really humorous."

"Mr. Ling, you can burn a stick of incense and tell Mrs. Ling."

"Please burn the paper..."

Towards the end, everyone ridiculed and talked happily.

The person who had been tense in front of the TV for so long also laughed.

However, some people couldn't laugh at all, such as Xia Chunlin, who was so angry that he smashed the TV.

Another example is Ling Mengxi who is on the way to the Ling Group.

At this moment, she was sitting in the back seat of the car, watching the live broadcast with her mobile phone, wishing she could smash her mobile phone.

She is also the little princess of the Ling family, she is only one year older than Ling Weifeng, why should she let her go!

What is Ling Weifeng, the Ling family belongs to her, it belongs to her brother.

Her brother is the only heir of the Ling family, so why should she give it up to that bitch Ling Weifeng!
Seeing that Ling Yiyong was about to speak again, Ling Mengxi couldn't stand it any longer, so she just turned it off.

It doesn't matter, grandpa is the biggest in this family.

As long as grandpa is on their side, the Ling family will belong to her brother sooner or later.

Ling Weifeng don't try to take it away!
What she didn't know was that just after she turned off the video, Ling Yiyong made the promise in front of everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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