Women disguised as men as school grass

Chapter 1158 I miss you very much

Chapter 1158 I miss you very much (Jiagen)
This kind of unconscious words can best reflect the true inner thoughts.

When others chase their wives, he also chases them.

Why is his road to chasing his wife so bumpy?

【Then come and find me after you finish your meal. 】

[I may have to accompany my mother, let's talk about it later. 】

Prince Xi was depressed, and as expected, he complied with that sentence, even if he got married, it might not be his own.

[What about that night, I'll pick you up at dinner time, and we'll go home together after dinner. 】

Ling Weifeng thought for a while, 【Xihuang, I will live with my mother tonight. 】

Now Prince Xi couldn't calm down anymore, he could bear it if his wife didn't eat with him, and now he went straight back to his mother's house.

This will not work!

[Wife, we haven't seen each other for so long, don't you miss me? I miss you very much. 】

Ling Weifeng, "..."

Didn't you just meet last night? It's been less than twelve hours. How can you say it's been a long time?
"Who are you chatting with?"

Ling Yiyong unpacked all the snacks, and when he turned around, he saw Ling Weifeng's expressionless expression.

"a friend."

Ling Weifeng put away the phone with a guilty conscience.

She always felt something about secretly marrying herself behind her family's back.

I dare not speak out.

Forget it, just wait.

So the young master Xihuang had a tragedy, and he waited and waited but couldn't wait for the news of kissing his wife.

Not to mention how depressed.

"Eat something first. Dad still has some things to deal with. I'll take you to dinner later."


"Xiaofeng, don't you have anything to ask Dad?"

Ling Weifeng blinked, her cheeks were bulging from chewing, very cute.

With a bit of ignorance, "What are you asking?"

"What Mengxi said just now was about transferring accounts."

Ling Weifeng licked his lips, and said indifferently, "Grandpa doesn't want me anymore, you can guess."

Exposure of her identity meant that she would be kicked out of the Ling family, something she had known for a long time.

So all along, she has been very cautious, for fear of revealing her identity.

Only now, it doesn't matter.

She's had enough of that home, and doesn't want her mother to be wronged there anymore.

This indifferent tone made Ling Yiyong's heart ache.

Stretching out his hand, he stroked her head affectionately, "Grandpa is just being upright, he won't really want you."

After a pause, he added, "You still have father and mother."

For the first half of his sentence, Ling Weifeng disdains.

Who cares about this kind of grandfather.

It's not that she is not filial, but that this kind of person who only sees benefits but no family affection is not worthy of her filial piety at all.

However, the second half of the sentence still made her heart warm.

Ling Yiyong finished processing several important documents as quickly as possible, and then brought Ling Weifeng back to the Banshan Villa.

Walking into the hall, I saw Mrs. Liu directing the servants to clean the house.

Although it has been cleaned up almost, it can still be seen that it was smashed a little hard before.

Many furnishings and antiques in the home were smashed.

Even one corner of the TV was smashed and dented.

"What's going on." Ling Yiyong frowned.

Mrs. Liu hurried up, "Sir, Miss, it's Madam."

"What's wrong with my mother?" Ling Weifeng asked suddenly.

"Miss, don't worry, my wife is fine, but I'm not in a good mood."

"Where is she."

"In the room."

Ling Weifeng rushed upstairs like a gust of wind.

How could this be? At the press conference, the father was always facing their mother and daughter, and even made his will public.

Shouldn't her mother be happy? How could she be so angry that she smashed the house down.

(End of this chapter)

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