Women disguised as men as school grass

Chapter 1192 I'm going to kill her!

Chapter 1192 I'm going to kill her!

Ling Weifeng was sitting on the sofa, and in front of her stood a woman in black and black pants with a high ponytail.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, the two looked over together.

Wang Jiaohua saw that Ling Weifeng's face was pale, almost collapsed.

As for the woman standing in front of her, she was dressed coolly, with no expression on her face, as cold as a moving ice sculpture.

"Xiao Huahua, wait for me downstairs first." A somewhat hoarse voice escaped from Ling Weifeng's mouth.

It was like a puff of light smoke that would dissipate at any time, soft and weak.

"Xiaofeng, are you okay?" Wang Jiaohua was a little worried.

Ling Weifeng shook his head, "It's okay, she is my friend."

Wang Jiaohua inspected the iceberg beauty standing there, and after making sure that she would not hurt Ling Weifeng, she backed out.

And close the door very intimately.

The room fell silent, Zhong Qing stared at Ling Weifeng with cold eyes.

"Who did it, is it Bai Feifei?"

Ling Weifeng remained silent, and Zhong Qing was even more furious.

However, her anger was different from others. Others erupted from a volcano, and the angrier she got, the colder her breath became.

As a result, the temperature in the room plummeted.

"There are not many people who know about the past, why did you send someone to investigate Bai Feifei, whether she did it or not."

Ling Weifeng's face became more and more pale, no matter how unwilling she was to believe that it was Bai Feifei, with the facts in front of her eyes, it was not her turn to deceive herself any longer.

She closed her eyes helplessly and nodded.

"I suspect it's her, but there's no proof."

"I knew that this kind of person was dishonest, just like her brother." Zhong Qing said coldly.

There was unconcealed disgust in his eyes.

She hates this hypocrite who takes advantage of other people's feelings.

Mentioning Baidu, Ling Weifeng's body trembled violently, and his breathing also paused slightly.

The pain gradually spread, like tens of thousands of ants gnawing.

It's not a sharp pain, but a piercing discomfort.

"I'll kill her!" The cold and heartless words were filled with murderous intent.

"do not!"

Ling Weifeng opened his eyes abruptly, his tone a little hasty.

Zhong Qing's face became even colder, "Why, she has made you like this, and you still want to be commensurate with her sisters."

Ling Weifeng pursed her lips and remained silent.

Zhong Qing simply hates iron and steel, "I really can't stand your character, I just know that you are a bad person, if you let her go, will she let you go, have you forgotten the lessons of the past?
If you keep dragging your feet like this, she will kill you sooner or later. "

"If it weren't for their brothers and sisters, I would have died a long time ago. Although they are a bit unkind, they are very kind to me."

"You are too loyal. They treat you well and just want to use you. You are an idiot to think of those so-called kindness."

"I have my measure."

Zhong Qing's face turned colder, "Are you sensible? If you were sensible, you wouldn't just ask Mo Wen to investigate Bai Feifei. Subconsciously, you wanted to let Bai Feifei go, so you sent Mo Wen to investigate, hoping to give Bai Feifei a Is there a warning?"

If you really want to investigate Bai Feifei, as long as Ling Weifeng goes out on his own, there is nothing that cannot be found.

He didn't do anything himself, but just sent a downline, didn't he just want to sound the alarm for Bai Feifei.

She missed the previous friendship, did Bai Feifei appreciate it?

It's not the same as pushing her to the forefront.

Ling Weifeng let out a foul breath, extremely heavy, "The brothers and sisters saved me back then, I didn't want to do it so badly."

"Heh!" Zhong Qing smiled ironically, "That's right, Baidu saved you back then, but he also betrayed you."

(End of this chapter)

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