Women disguised as men as school grass

Chapter 1199 The Emperor Xi is Coming 3

Chapter 1199 Xihuang is back 3
Sometimes he wondered if she was a warm-blooded animal, why her body couldn't keep warm.

Holding her thin and soft body, leaning over, a loving kiss fell on the center of her brow.

Kissed patiently.

He didn't let her go until her eyebrows relaxed.

But in the next second, he pulled her even tighter into his arms.

He took out his phone and turned it to silent first, so as not to disturb the person in his arms.

Only then did he send a text message to Wei Hongliang, asking him to contact the media and release some news.

Ling Weifeng seemed to be in the darkness, she hugged her body in fear.

In front are pictures of various killings.

She saw herself being caught for training, she saw herself being beaten, and she saw herself fighting with those ferocious beasts.

She saw herself go from bruised and dying to slowly adapting to the rules.

She saw herself slowly losing her former innocence in the blood and violence, leaving only the ferocity of a beast in her eyes.

She saw herself becoming numb under the eyes of those onlookers who were either taunting or sighing or looking at clowns.

She saw herself step by step from being frightened, helpless and desperate to being driven by hatred.

In order to survive, she even turned herself into a machine that only knew how to kill.

No one knew how terrified and helpless she was.

No one cared whether she would be in pain when she was bitten to pieces by a fierce beast.

No one cared if the wound was drained of blood and died.

Human life is like a mustard.

She saw that she used to be just an object for others to make fun of.

That kind of hesitation and helplessness, collapse and despair are pains that she never wants to face again in this life.

This kind of despair of not being able to see the light made her wish to die.

But she can't die.

If she died, what would her mother do, and who would rescue her mother from the fire pit.

The coldness of despair enveloped her.

A cold hand dragged her down continuously, falling into the endless darkness.

She was really scared and wanted to call for help, but she couldn't make any sound, which made her collapse even more.

How I wish someone could come and save her.

At this moment, she suddenly felt a warm hand around her waist.

Then, fell into a warm embrace.

Such a familiar embrace.

So calm, so at ease.

Drive away all darkness and cold.

Like a light, illuminating her whole world.

Those cruel, bloody, dark, and dirty images all disappeared.

She raised her head, and in the backlight, she saw the face engraved in her mind.

"Emperor Xi..."

Opening her lips slightly, the name that made her feel sad overflowed.

No one knew how much she missed this big brother who accompanied her throughout her childhood during that dark year.

In countless miserable and desperate nights, she asked him for help in her dreams.

Hope he can rescue her from the fire pit.

However, those extravagant hopes are destined to turn into disappointments.

Dreaming back at midnight, it just turned from disappointment to despair.

Now, is he finally here?

Did he finally come to take her away?

Seeing her pale lips, Prince Xi spit out his name with incomparable bitterness.

His heart was cut like a knife.

Immediately afterwards, big drops of tears slipped from the corners of her eyes and dripped directly onto his arms.

Burned his skin.

she cried.

Like a child, crying so helplessly, so desolate.

"Xiaofeng, Xiaofeng." He called twice, but she didn't respond.

His eyes were still closed, but his hands were gripping the collar of his nightgown tightly, as if he wanted to grasp the last straw.

"Brother Xihuang..."

(End of this chapter)

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