Women disguised as men as school grass

Chapter 1238 Hitting Emperor Xi's Idea

Chapter 1238 Hitting Emperor Xi's Idea
The matter of Ling Mengxi's killing of Zhou Meige had already been exposed, and it was absolutely impossible to hide it.

The prison is fixed. As for how many years to sit in, it depends on how the judge decides.

It's just that Ling Mengxi is still seriously injured, so it's impossible to capture her now.

Switch to monitoring.

Mr. Ling woke up at seven o'clock the next morning.

Opening his eyes, he stared blankly at the ceiling.

The eyes that used to be full of aggressive aura are now only old and feeble.

The majestic aura that has been in the mall for a long time has also disappeared.

The current Mr. Ling is just a lifeless old man lying on a hospital bed.

"Dad, how are you doing?" Ling Yiyong was a little worried.

Seeing his father fall ill with anger made him very uncomfortable.

After all, it was his father.

Mr. Ling's cloudy eyeballs moved, and he suddenly struggled to get up, pulling the infusion bottle beside him.

"Dad, the doctor said you should take a good rest. Tell me what's the matter."

Grandpa Ling's lips moved, and Ling Yiyong quickly removed his itching mask.

"Have all those videos on the Internet been deleted?"

Ling Yiyong was a little hesitant, "It has been deleted, but there seems to be someone manipulating it behind the scenes. Many sailors are scolding. Although the video is gone, the comments are still rising."

Even if he asked someone to delete the video, the popularity remained undiminished, and there was a tendency to intensify.

After all, the murder case was simply too shocking.

And it was the Ling family that was pushed to the forefront some time ago, and a new scandal broke out.

Can't hold it down at all.

He is not Prince Xi Gu, who can cover the sky with one hand.

Mr. Ling's eyes widened. Looking at it like that, it seemed that he might lose his temper at any time.

"Dad, Dad, please calm down first."

"No comments, no comments." Mr. Ling said out of breath.

"It can't be banned. Now is the Internet age, and we can't ban the freedom of speech online."

Ling Yiyong was very embarrassed.

If it could be banned, he would have banned it long ago.

"Xiaofeng had an accident before, so she was banned as well." And it was banned so quickly.

In almost half an hour, the entire network was blocked.

Ling Weifeng's matter can be sealed, why not this time.

"Dad, what happened to Xiaofeng before was handled by Master Xihuang. Our Ling family is not as powerful as the Xihuang family."

Mr. Ling's breathing became more and more urgent, and he looked like he was about to burp at any time.

Seeing Ling Yiyong was terrified.

"Find Master Xi Huang to ban him." Old Master Ling said panting.

"Dad, don't bother others about our family's affairs."

The incident was so big, Prince Xi Gu must have known about it, if he wanted to help, he would have done so long ago.

If you show your attitude without making a move, this matter will not help.

"What other people, he is Xiaofeng's fiancé, the future grandson-in-law of our Ling family, there's nothing wrong with doing me a favor."

"Dad, I won't ask Master Xihuang for this matter, I don't want to make it difficult for Xiaofeng."

Ling Yiyong said seriously that he didn't want others to think that he was selling his daughter by marrying him off.

Prince Xi didn't even want to help, and he still let others take action, wasn't he out of pure embarrassment.

It's not good for Ling Weifeng to be caught in the middle.

"Bastard, she is the granddaughter of our Ling family. Now that our Ling family is in trouble, it's only natural for her to help."

Ling Yiyong's face darkened. Now he knows that she is your granddaughter. Before you kicked her out so ruthlessly, it was a change of account and a declaration of severance.

Why didn't you think she was your granddaughter at that time?


  The update is over, good night~
  Thank you for Yilu's original intention, Memorize mint, Lingling's dream, Xiashuiliuying, everyone's rewards, please~
(End of this chapter)

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