Women disguised as men as school grass

Chapter 1292 Married Life 3

Chapter 1292 Married Life 3
Dr. Han hurriedly stood up to greet him. After Prince Xi sat down, he walked around the desk and sat on his office chair.

"How is Xiaofeng's situation now?" Prince Xi Gu cut to the point.

"It's nothing serious, rest more when you go home, and pay attention to your diet.

During menstruation, raw and cold food must not be eaten.

Usually let her eat less, after all, the young lady's body is severely cold. "

Prince Xi's face was serious, "Doctor Han, why is Xiaofeng's menstruation so abnormal?"

"It's related to her physical condition." Doctor Han thought for a while, and looked at Prince Xi Gu with a complicated expression.

Asked, "Master Xihuang, did you have a pre-marital check-up before you and your young mistress got married?"


Doctor Han's face changed slightly.

Prince Xi noticed this change sensitively, and his brows sank, "What's wrong with her body?"

Doctor Han's face was very delicate, a little embarrassed.

It seemed that he had encountered something difficult and dared not say it.


Prince Xi's voice was cold.

"Yes...that's how it is, you should be clear about the birth of the young mistress, she is not a normal child who came into this world.

At the beginning, Mrs. Ling was infertile. She conceived after taking a lot of folk remedies, and she gave birth prematurely. "

"Yes." Prince Xi's expression remained unchanged.

Only he himself knows that, in fact, his heart has already been raised.

"It's like this, because of the side effects of those drugs back then, the young mistress's body was congenitally deficient, and she didn't know what happened the day after tomorrow, and the root of the disease was left in her body at a young age.

As a result, her current health is very poor, with insufficient blood, chest tightness and shortness of breath, and her resistance is very poor.

The most obvious feature is that she is too thin. "

"Let's get to the point." Prince Xi obviously had no patience to listen to this pile of theories.

"The point is... a woman who is too thin and does not have the normal amount of fat will have endocrine disorders, because at this time the woman's ovaries cannot secrete normal levels of estrogen, which will lead to menstrual cycle disorders and even amenorrhea.

Did the young mistress have her menarche very late? "

"Close to 17."

The first time Ling Weifeng had her period was when she was 16 years old, and she was almost 17 years old.

Could this be a problem too?

"Girls' menarche is usually between 16 and [-] years old, and there will be a significant growth period after menarche.

The young grandmother began to grow in height when she was 13 years old, and she was already in shape at 15 years old.

Master Xihuang, do you know what this means? "

Prince Xi did not answer, but waited heavily for Dr. Han's next words.

Cold sweat broke out on Dr. Han's forehead, "It means that the young lady's menarche should have been when she was 13 years old, but she delayed it until she was almost 17 years old.

In other words, her endocrine is seriously disordered, and there are also some genetic reasons, so she... is not easy to conceive. "

Dr. Han thought it over and used a more euphemistic way of saying it.

Prince Xi's complexion suddenly changed, what he was worried about had really come true.

Sweat dripped from Dr. Han's forehead, and he was a little afraid of Prince Xi Gu.

At the same time, she was also worried about Ling Weifeng.

Emperor Xi's son Gu is the only son of the Xi family, if she can't give birth, it's hard to say whether she can marry into the Xi family smoothly.

After all, she just got the certificate, but didn't hold the wedding ceremony, so it can't be said that she's married into the Xi family.

In fact, he doesn't need to talk about it, so that Ling Weifeng can marry in smoothly.

But in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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