Women disguised as men as school grass

Chapter 1308 Move over and live with me

Chapter 1308 Move in and live with me

Fang Jiming looked at her with a half-smile, "No, I'll take you back."

Wang Jiaohua wanted to say that the car was hers...

"By the way, why did you let Mama Wu go back? Isn't she taking good care of you?"

On the way, Fang Jiming asked while driving.

Wang Jiaohua felt a little uncomfortable, but she didn't show it.

"I'm used to living alone, but suddenly there is another person in the house, and I don't feel comfortable."

Fang Jiming frowned, "One more person can take care of you."

"Where I need someone to take care of me, I can take good care of myself."

She is not a delicate young lady, so she doesn't need a nanny.

"What about me?" Fang Jiming asked suddenly.

"Huh?" Wang Jiaohua didn't quite understand what he said.

He what.

Fang Jiming turned his head and smiled at her, then continued to watch the road and drive.

"Then if I'm the one who takes care of you, won't you get used to it?"

Wang Jiaohua was a little confused, "What do you mean?"

"Jiaojiao, move here and live with me."

Wang Jiaohua opened her mouth in surprise.

After reacting, his face turned red.

He bowed his head, twisted his hands together nervously, not daring to look at his expression.

Although it was said that the two had a relationship once, she never thought about living together so soon.

Moreover, her parents are both teachers, and they are very strict with her. They will never allow her to live with a man without marriage.

Seeing that she didn't respond, Fang Jiming understood what she meant.

"I just don't want you to live alone. I have many rooms. If you don't want to, you can live separately."

He spoke so bluntly that Wang Jiaohua blushed even more.


"If you don't want to move in and live with me, then I'll ask someone to take care of you."

"It's really not necessary, I've always lived alone, Brother Xing will come to visit me occasionally to help me buy some necessities.

So you really don't have to worry about mine. "

Hearing Wang Jiaohua's words, Fang Jiming stared straight ahead with heavy eyes.

Meng Xing, her manager.

The reason why he wanted her to move in and live with her was that Meng Xing was the one who worried him the most.

According to Wu Ma, it was precisely because of that Meng Xing that Wang Jiaohua let her go back.

The way the agent looked at Wang Jiaohua made him very unhappy.

Men are also very sensitive to love rivals.

He was silent for a moment, then said, "Jiaojiao, have you ever thought about changing to another brokerage company?
Although Starlight Entertainment is one of the largest companies, its headquarters is in Country H after all.

If you want to stay in China and develop, maybe it would be better to switch to a large domestic company. "

Wang Jiaohua immediately denied it and expressed her position.

"I won't take the initiative to change companies, unless Xingguang doesn't want me."

She was cultivated by Xingguang, and she will not abandon Xingguang for the sake of her future.

After she said that, Fang Jiming naturally couldn't say anything more.

He actually wanted to lure her to the entertainment company under the Fang family, so that he could watch her under his nose.

And it can also give her the best resources, allowing her to wander freely.

The car drove downstairs to the apartment, and the two of them ended the topic.

After getting out of the car, Wang Jiaohua asked hesitantly, "Senior, why don't you drive my car back?"

Fang Jiming smiled, "Why, don't you invite me to sit up?"

"Huh? Oh."

Wang Jiaohua responded unnaturally, and scratched the back of her neck nervously.

In fact, she didn't dare to let him go up.

It's too unsafe for this lonely man and widow.

(End of this chapter)

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