Women disguised as men as school grass

Chapter 1323 She's gone 1

Chapter 1323 She's gone 1
No need to think about it, someone must have done it on purpose.

Deliberately revealing the news to Ling Weifeng.

He probably also guessed who it was, except for those few people, he didn't think about it.

Ling Weifeng was crying sadly when the door was pushed open.

Han Ling stumbled in and ran in with tears on her face.

She threw herself on the bed, hugged Ling Weifeng and cried all the time.

"I'm sorry, Xiaofeng, I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry, it's my mother who hurt you..."

The genetic problem is that she passed on her infertility to her daughter.

It was she who insisted on taking those folk remedies back then that made her so poor.

It was she who was obsessed with wanting to take everything from the Ling family, and let her disguise herself as a man for so many years, which made her miserable.

Can't bear children, don't live to be 50 years old, so cruel.

It was her fault, it was all her fault.

"Mom, what nonsense are you talking about? Without you, there would be no me in this world."

So, how could Han Ling be blamed?

If Han Ling hadn't insisted on having a child, she might not have existed in this world at all.

She just hates why God is so unfair and so cruel to her.

Seeing the two hugging and crying bitterly, Ling Yiyong, who came in behind, had red eyes.

What kind of crime did he do? He killed the two most important women in his life.

Du Ruxue's eyes were also flushed, and she kept wiping away her tears.

She really liked Ling Weifeng, but she didn't dare to speak about the issue of the descendants of the Xi family.

This matter depends on Xihuang Town's intentions.

She can make decisions about small matters, but she cannot make decisions about such big matters.

After all, it involves too much.

Such a big family, which has been passed down for so many years, if it is broken, how can it face the ancestors of the Xi family.

So, even though she was sad, she didn't dare to speak.

She secretly glanced at Xihuang Town, but hesitated to speak.

Xihuangzhen just glanced at her indifferently and said nothing.

Ling Weifeng is so sad now, he must not talk about other things.

There was nothing wrong with her body, it was just that she was over-stimulated and became extremely angry for a while, so she fainted.

It's fine when you wake up.

She refused to be hospitalized, so Prince Xi took her home.

Han Ling insisted on following her back to Huayan.

Ling Yiyong took her away, seeing Ling Weifeng would only make her sadder.

There is Prince Xi Gu on Ling Weifeng's side, so don't worry.

Xihuangzhen and Du Ruxue also returned to Xihuang.

Infertility is indeed a big problem.

There must be a good talk, but not now.

At least wait for everyone to calm down before dealing with it rationally.

Prince Xi took Ling Weifeng home, fearing that she would think about it, so he transferred all his work to his home.

Accompanying her 24 hours a day, lest she get into a dead end.

Seeing the medicinal meal he made for her, Ling Weifeng thought of him bearing everything silently behind his back and doing so much for her silently, his heart was pierced like a knife.

He must have been under a lot of pressure.

Did he go through a painful struggle to choose between Xi's descendants and her?

What kind of mood did he have in order to choose her.

What kind of feelings would make him rather bear the crime of destroying the Xi family than give up on her.

The more she thought about Ling Weifeng, the more her heart ached.

In the past, she always felt that he was too domineering and possessive.

This will put a lot of pressure on her.

It wasn't until now that she realized deeply that the reason why he is overbearing is because of his deep love.

This relationship is all he is paying for, and she is too selfish.

(End of this chapter)

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