Women disguised as men as school grass

Chapter 1344 Why Ling Weifeng

Chapter 1344 Why Ling Weifeng

Zhong Qing looked even colder, but he was not in a hurry.

Push your elbows back again, stronger than before.

After hitting him several times in a row, Butler Bai already vomited blood several times.

The hands that were clasped tightly finally loosened.

Zhong Qing grabbed his hand and threw it over his shoulder, directly knocking Butler Bai to the ground.

Then a swift kick kicked out, a big man weighing more than 140 kilograms, just like her kicking a cloth bag.

The kick sent the whole person flying, hit the opposite wall, and was bounced back.

Lying on the ground, there is only air in, but no air out.

Looking at the pool of blood on the ground, Bai Feifei's eyes were cold.

I didn't pay any attention to Butler Bai, anyway, this man would not survive.

Walk out slowly from the door.

He saw Bai Feifei standing outside stiffly.

"Aren't you good at running, why don't you keep running?"

Love said sarcastically.

Looking at the bodyguards who surrounded the villa tightly, Bai Feifei wailed in despair and fell to his knees.

She was not reconciled, really not reconciled.

Why, everything is clearly Ling Weifeng's fault, it was Ling Weifeng who betrayed her brother, and it was the Ling family who made their family miserable.

But why in the end, good and evil are not repaid.

Their family all died tragically, but Ling Weifeng, that selfish villain, was still able to live in this world.

Live so happily.

She is not reconciled!

He heard Bai Feifei's shrill screams outside, as well as the grief-stricken crying.

Butler Bai, who hadn't had time to die inside, shed two lines of dirty tears.

Why is the sky so unfair, let the Bai family all die without a place to bury!
Holding his last breath, he took out the phone with bloody hands.

Send out a video saved in it.

Even if it is death, he will not let that family live in peace!

Originally, he planned to control Ling Weifeng first, and then take out the video, so that the Ling family would be in pain forever.

Now, plans have been completely disrupted.

But it doesn't matter, can destroy one... is one.

Seeing that the video was successfully sent, Butler Bai's mouth slowly curled into a weird smile.

Forever... freeze frame.

Outside the house, Bai Feifei knelt down on the ground, crying until his heart broke.

However, no one sympathized with her.

Zhong Qing raised his pistol expressionlessly and pointed it at Bai Feifei's head.

One second before she pulled the trigger, Bai Feifei suddenly raised his head and looked at her sadly.

"Love, before I die, can I ask you a question."

Zhong Qing didn't move, but he didn't pull the trigger.

Bai Feifei understood what she meant, and agreed to ask.

So she wiped away tears, "Why are you so kind to Ling Weifeng, you were rescued from the same place, why do you treat Ling Weifeng as your sister, but me as your enemy!"

This is what she has been unable to figure out. From the very beginning, Zhong Qing hated her.

When Zhong Qing rescued them from the Colosseum, no one would be killed, but she wanted to kill her!

If it wasn't for Ling Weifeng's protection, she would have been killed by Zhong Qing long ago!
She didn't understand why Zhong Qing hated her so much.

He just loves Ling Weifeng so much.

At that time, Zhong Qing was obviously not familiar with Ling Weifeng, but she listened to Ling Weifeng's words.

Zhong Qing looked cold, pursed his lips lightly, and did not answer her words.

His expression was a little dazed.

Why are you so kind to Ling Weifeng?

She couldn't tell, maybe it was because Ling Weifeng rescued her when she was injured on a mission.

Or maybe... Ling Weifeng is like the person in her memory.

She is an orphan, and she was captured and sent to Secret Service Island to train as a cold-blooded killer since she was a child.

But in the deepest part of her mind, she vaguely remembered that she was not an orphan, she had a sister.

(End of this chapter)

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