Women disguised as men as school grass

Chapter 1382 Wife, Happy Newly Married

Chapter 1382 Wife, Happy Newly Married

Ling Weifeng was also shocked, "How do I know where you are now?"

"At the gate of the Civil Affairs Bureau."


"Xiaofeng, I feel like I'm dreaming." Wang Jiaohua was still in a fugue state.

"Pinch yourself to see if it hurts." Ling Weifeng suggested.

So Wang Jiaohua obediently pinched her thigh, but it didn't hurt.

Then she pinched hard, pinched again, but it still didn't hurt.

Sure enough, it was a dream.

She just said, why did she get married suddenly? It turned out to be sleepwalking, haha.

Hearing the smirk from the phone, Ling Weifeng was speechless, "Xiao Huahua, are you normal?"

"Hehe, it's not normal, maybe I hate getting married too much."

Ling Weifeng, "..."

"Xiaofeng, but I feel so real, why don't you pinch yourself to see if I'm dreaming."

Ling Weifeng, "But I'm afraid of pain."

"Oh, so, is there anyone around you? You pinch others."

Hearing the meaningless conversation between these two women, Prince Xi was speechless.

When he heard the last sentence, his eyes twitched.

He met Ling Weifeng's gaze.

That look...

So Emperor Xi stretched out his hand resignedly, and rolled up his sleeves thoughtfully, "Pinch it."

So Ling Weifeng stretched out his hand very bluntly, pinch!

Ah, the muscles in the hands are too strong to pinch.

So she reached out her hand to Prince Xi Gu's face, and pinched it hard.

The corner of Xi Huangzi Gu's eyes twitched again, the attack was really ruthless!

"Little Huahua, Emperor Xi will be in pain, it's not a dream."

Wang Jiaohua was still in a daze, she reached out and pinched her thigh again, "But it still doesn't hurt when I pinch myself, maybe I'm not strong enough."

So she stepped up and twisted hard.

Fang Jiming finally couldn't take it anymore, he was pinched several times by her, and he was about to cramp in pain!
"Wife, murder your husband."

This sentence, wife, was like an electric current, which made Wang Jiaohua tremble all over.

Turning his head, he saw Fang Jiming's wet and handsome face, looking at her with a smile on his lips.

I'm dreaming, I must be dreaming.

Wang Jiaohua was still in a fugue state, in order to wake herself up, she pinched harder.

Fang Jiming gasped in pain, "Honey, stop pinching."

All swollen.

It was only then that Wang Jiaohua realized that he was standing next to her, the two of them were together, and what she had just pinched was his thigh.

She wondered why she screwed up her trousers when she was wearing a skirt...

Subconsciously withdrew her hand, remembering the silly words she had just said to Ling Weifeng, her face turned red all of a sudden.

Hurry up and hang up the phone, feeling ashamed.

Fang Jiming stared at her delicate red face with a half-smile, "Honey, do you hate marriage so much?"

With Wang Jiaohua's face, I can't hang up.

I can't wait to dig a hole and bury myself, it's so embarrassing to throw it at my grandma's house.

"I...I..." She squeaked and couldn't say a word, "I thought I was dreaming."

The smile on the corner of Fang Jiming's mouth grew wider, "So you want to marry me even in your dreams."

Wang Jiaohua blushed even more.

See through or not, do you understand?
I didn't know that she would be very embarrassed off stage.

The beauty lowered her head, she was infinitely shy.

Seeing Wang Jiaohua like this, she thought that she was already his wife at this time, they were a well-known couple, and she still had his child in her belly.

He felt extremely happy, overflowing his entire chest.

He hugged her waist and asked for a lingering kiss, "Honey, happy wedding."


  The update is over, good night~
  Thank you Phoebe Mengshang, Lan Chang, for using a smile to cover up the pain [4],? , 7 Crazy. Lin Ran, everyone's rewards, what's up~
  I feel that the sequence of the episode is wrong. Xiao Huahua should not be placed in Xiaofeng's pre-pregnancy [laugh and cry], it seems that the babies don't like the story of Xiao Huahua and Fang Jiming very much, don't worry, this part will pass soon Well, it's probably just a few days, and then there is the plot of Xiaofeng's pregnancy.

  Also, I went back and edited the article. Xihuang and Zhou Meige went to the hotel to fix it. Our perfect hero, how could he be beaten by a pig? of.

(End of this chapter)

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