Women disguised as men as school grass

Chapter 1405 frame the blame

Chapter 1405 frame the blame
Fang Lan has been very troubled recently.

Ever since Wang Jiaohua gave birth that day, she has been checking who gave the medicine.

But I couldn't find it.

The tea that day was drunk by the two of them together. She didn't feel any discomfort, and Wang Jiaohua had a miscarriage, which meant that it wasn't the tea's problem.

She had someone check the tea set, only to find out that Wang Jiaohua's teacup had been tampered with.

The red pattern on the bottom of the cup has saffron ingredients on it, and it is a high-concentration saffron concentrate.

Just one drink is enough to shed a child, not to mention that Wang Jiaohua drank so many glasses at that time.

The reason was found out, but it was unknown who gave the medicine.

The waiter who delivered the tea set that day seemed to have disappeared from the world, and has disappeared since that day.

For the new server, all the information is fake.

Even the appearance seems to have just undergone plastic surgery, and there is no way to check it.

The thread stops here.

Fang Lan was so angry that she had no strength for several days. Although Fang Jiming didn't regard her as an enemy, he refused to see her at all and locked himself in that villa.

I didn't go to the company either, and my whole person was useless, drinking and getting drunk every day.

Fang Lan had a headache, and really couldn't figure out what kind of charm that woman had to be so fascinated by her such an excellent son.

Bu Zhiyao has been hiding at home for the past few days, and she is actually very scared.

After deliberating over and over several times, he was sure that there was no clue left, and then he was a little relieved.

In addition, no one has come to the door these days, which means that no one knows about that matter.

This is the first time she has done this kind of thing, especially when the opponent is a strong woman like Fang Lan. It is too difficult to blame such a woman.

However, this is the best way to clear yourself.

Her eyes were a little fierce, "Fang Lan, Fang Lan, don't blame me. If you want to blame, blame you for not liking Wang Siming. Only by planting the blame on you will it not arouse suspicion, because your motive is the biggest."

As for causing Wang Siming to have a miscarriage, she has no psychological pressure at all.

That bitch deserves it!

Dare to rob me of a man, and only get rid of one of your children, and save your dog's life is considered an extrajudicial favor!

Although the limelight of the incident seemed to have passed, Bu Zhiyao stayed at home for a few more days in order not to arouse suspicion.

It wasn't until Wang Siming's matter completely subsided that he dared to go out.

In the past few days, Fang Jiming has also started a normal life, but the atmosphere around him is very gloomy.

Everyone noticed that there was no smile on his face anymore.

I used to have that kind of gentle smile, even if I was facing an enemy, I could still smile like a spring breeze.

But now, he doesn't smile anymore.

A calm face, not cold and hard, but indifferent.

Those eyes seemed to be filled with the sadness of the whole world.

He used to be a gentle prince, but now he has become a melancholy prince.

Fang Lan looked distressed, thinking that life would continue, so she started to help Fang Zhiming on a blind date.

People always have to look forward. Although I am very sorry for Wang Siming, I have already left after all, and I cannot always stay in the past.

When she mentioned the blind date to Fang Jiming, Fang Jiming was not angry, but just looked at her with a very indifferent look.

He didn't agree or object, but he didn't show up for all the meetings.

In the end, Fang Lan directly arranged for the blind date partner to come to his office.

It was the first time that Fang Jiming got angry in the company and threw that woman out in front of the whole company.

(End of this chapter)

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