Women disguised as men as school grass

Chapter 1561 Blocking the Gun

Chapter 1561 Blocking the Gun
Her body trembled faintly, and her eyeballs kept shaking.

Zhong Qing didn't understand what step mother was looking at, and her eyes sank.

Tang Fengyang knew that Zhong Qing was angry, so he stopped in front of her with a full sense of protection.

Step mother's lips trembled, she stood up slowly, and wanted to walk towards Zhongqing.

Just then, the elevator doors opened.

A bullet shot in instantly and hit the elevator wall.

"Protect Mr. President!" Tang Da shouted, quickly drew out his gun, and aimed at the stone statue outside.

Then quickly turn off the elevator.

However, the elevator was controlled by someone and could not be closed.


Everyone in the elevator quickly leaned their backs on both sides to block the bullets.

"Ahhh——" Only Bu Zhiyao's screams echoed continuously, but no one cared about her.


Another bullet flew in, and the target hit Tang Fengyang!
Tang Fengyang turned his body sideways, but Zhong Qing was one step ahead of him, and one side of his body stood in front of him.

Because he saw that the angle of the bullet could not be blocked by the elevator.

And Tang Fengyang had nowhere to hide.


Tang Fengyang was furious, grabbing Zhong Qing's shoulders with both hands, trying to pull her back.

I saw Stepmother, who was standing opposite, suddenly rushed up desperately.

He jumped directly on Zhongqing's back, and then, the bullet shot straight into Stepmother's body.

Surprised, unexpected.

No one expected that such a scene would happen.

Tang Fengyang gritted his teeth, wishing to tear his love to pieces.

Is she crazy? Does he need her protection? Could it be that in her eyes, he is so vulnerable!

Obviously all of this can be avoided, if he can escape by himself, there will be no further incidents, and the stepmother will not be injured.

Zhong Qing was completely stunned at this moment, she never expected that a woman whom she had never met before would rush forward to block that shot for her.

She turned around abruptly, and supported the fallen step mother, her heart suddenly flustered.

Stepmother is just an ordinary housewife. Wherever she has suffered such an injury, she instantly turned pale from the pain and was dripping with cold sweat.

She opened her eyes weakly, looked at Zhong Qing fixedly, and wanted to say something, but when she opened her mouth, she could only spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Don't talk." Zhong Qing's tone was cold, but there was panic and fear.

"Kill it out!"

She was so ruthless that she dared to ambush here and kill them all!
Throwing the stepmother to the ground, he quickly drew two guns from his waist, rolled around on the ground and went out.

The ground was smooth, and she bent her legs, taking advantage of the momentum to slide on the ground like ice skating.


Tang Fengyang was in a hurry, grabbed Tang Da's gun with one hand, and rushed out after him.

"Mr President!"

Tang Da and his bodyguards all changed color and rushed out quickly.

bang bang bang-

Zhong Qing fired with both hands, firing several shots in a row, one shot at a time.

She slid so fast that the bullets left a series of holes where she slid.

After sliding to a stone statue, he rolled in a circle again to hide.

Turning around suddenly, she saw Tang Fengyang rushing towards her.

She was terrified!
His eyes were so red that his eyes were tearing apart, Zhong Qing wanted to kill Tang Fengyang with a single shot!

What did he do when he ran out? Others wanted his life, and he ran out to die!

Countless bullets shot towards Tang Fengyang.

Tang Fengyang looked like a killing god, the gun in his hand kept being buckled, and the bullets flew out, not killing people, but aiming at the bullets that were fired wildly.

Collision stopped.


  The update is over, good night~
(End of this chapter)

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