Women disguised as men as school grass

Chapter 1582 Wife is gone 1

Chapter 1582 Wife is gone 1
The chaos caused by Bu Zhiyao lasted for nearly a month, and finally it was raining.

Mrs. Bu has been discharged from the hospital and is going home to recuperate.

And Zhongqing's identity has been restored, so it stands to reason that he wants to return to Bu's house.

However, she was a little at a loss for that strange family, and she was still stuck in the presidential palace.

She is a person with relatively cold feelings, and Tang Fengyang's enthusiasm has overwhelmed her. Coupled with the fiery eyes of Bu Liancheng and Mrs. Bu, she feels uncomfortable all over.

Tang Fengyang was very emotional, his wife finally had a day to depend on him, after being beaten for so long, he even forgot what it was like to be depended on.

Although he was also reluctant to leave the presidential palace with love, in order to marry him as soon as possible, he still coaxed and lied to send him back.

Bu Liancheng took all the housekeepers and servants to greet him in person, making Zhong Qing feel uncomfortable.

The next day, Tang Fengyang brought a long list of gifts to apply for the appointment, but he didn't want to... What the hell!

He can't even see the face he loves.

Bu Liancheng blocked the door of the house and refused to let him in.

Tang Fengyang's face darkened, "Vice President Bu, what does this mean?"

Bu Liancheng smiled kindly, "Mr. President, do you have something to do with me? I'm busy these two days. If it's business, I can wait until I get back to the National Defense Building on Monday."

Tang Fengyang turned cold, "It's a private matter."

"Oh, private matter, I don't know what it is?"

"I've come to talk to you about marriage."

"Marriage? What marriage?" Bu Liancheng pretended to be stupid, "Oh, Mr. President, are you talking about the marriage between you and Yaya? I'm so sorry. I'm already planning to marry Yaya to Commander Rong. I'm sorry."

"Vice President Bu, I'm talking about Ah Qing."

"Oh, little daughter, she is still young, not yet married."

What a joke, the youngest daughter has been separated for so many years, and she finally found it. Of course, she wants to spend more time with her parents at home. How can she be willing to marry so soon.

Not to mention that he was reluctant, even his wife would definitely not agree to it. She couldn't fall asleep if she couldn't see her little daughter for a day.

That was the daughter she had exchanged for with her life.

Bu Liancheng thought of how his wife stared at Zhong Qing reluctantly last night, and probably never planned to marry her daughter in this life.

He also didn't want to marry Zhong Qing, Rong Shixiu was a good man, even if Bu Zhiya still didn't wake up, he didn't dislike him, and asked to marry him several times.

It is enough to sacrifice one daughter to marry, and he does not intend to sacrifice the other.

So stay at home and take good care of it, don't marry.

Ever since, Tang Fengyang was miserable, and his wife flew away.

Don't mention how ugly Tang Fengyang's face was, he could see what Bu Liancheng was thinking, he was reluctant to marry his daughter.

He shouldn't have sent Zhong Qing back, stayed in the presidential palace directly, got the certificate, and held the wedding.

It's all right now, I can't even see you face to face.

His face was getting darker and darker. If it wasn't for the future father-in-law blocking the door, he probably would have forced his way in.

"The legal marriage age for women in our country is 20 years old, Ah Qing is already 25 years old, why is she still under the age of marriage?"

pissed him off!

But Bu Liancheng waved his hand, "25 is too young, at least we have to wait until 30."

He also wanted to keep his daughter with him for a few more years to make up for the suffering she had suffered in these years.

After thinking about it, I felt that 30 years old was still too young, so I added another five years, "35 years old."

Tang Fengyang almost choked himself to death with a mouthful of old blood.

35 years old!

Older leftover girls!
(End of this chapter)

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