Women disguised as men as school grass

Chapter 1604 The bed is gone

Chapter 1604 The bed is gone

Seeing that Leng Lie was about to die, the people in the group became even more excited.

Ling Weifeng: @冷大修友, Leng Lie, quickly start the video, and live broadcast how you died.

Wang Jiaohua: [Excited] [Excited] I heard that Zhong Qing is very accurate with marksmanship, will he headshot with one shot?Oops, so bloody.

Fang Jiming: @小花花美美大, wife, you have a daughter in your stomach, so don't watch too bloody.

Caring Yu: You can rest assured that with Zhongqing's marksmanship, at most it will be a flower of blood and will not get a headshot.

Yin Shunhua: Why is there no sound?It's cold.

Tang Fengyang: Leng's house is not far from the presidential palace. With my wife's racing speed, it should have arrived by now.

Crowd: ...

Is it already dead?

After a while, I saw Leng Lie appearing, furious.

Leng Lie: @我是希望大人, surnamed Tang, take care of your wife and blow up my big bed! ! !
Then, a picture was posted.

The cold room at this time is really hard to describe, a bed was beaten to pieces.

Tang Fengyang: My wife is really kind.

Leng Lie: Damn it!I was lying on the bed, and a bullet went off without a word from her!Kind shit!

It's unreasonable, it's rare to sleep late on the weekend, and actually blow up his bed, unreasonable!

Fortunately, he reacted quickly enough, otherwise the bullet would have exploded even him!

Ling Weifeng: I also think that Xiaoqingqing is very kind today, she only messed with your bed but not you.

Caring about Yu: Serve it right, let you dare to speak ill of Yaya again!
Wang Jiaohua: It's boring without a cold head. My daughter resisted and kicked me in the stomach.

Fang Jiming: Wife, can my daughter move?Wait, I'll bring the breakfast right away.

"Ming and being a father?" Bu Zhiya turned her head and looked at Rong Shixiu with a smile.

"Well, it's been more than a month. I heard it's a daughter. It's a baby. Fang Ji will show her daughter in the group tomorrow."

Bu Zhiya, "..."

How could a child who is more than one month old move? It is estimated that only Fang Jiming, his daughter, accused him of saying this.

No, you can't see your gender for more than a month, right?
"It's only been more than a month, and you know it's a daughter?"

Rong Shixiu chuckled and pinched her nose, "Fang Jiming hopes to be a daughter, and Siming likes spicy food, sour and spicy girls, so he thinks it is a daughter."

"If it's a son again, I think he will die of depression, patriarchal."

"I don't favor girls over boys, Yaya, as long as you give birth to me, I like it."

Seeing those people in the group showing their sons and daughters every day, he was so envious.

Now that his wife is awake, he is going to give birth too.

Both son and daughter like it.

Bu Zhiya blushed slightly, and lowered her head shyly.

Rong Shixiu's hand around her waist tightened, feeling a little emotional.

"Yaya, let's have a baby too, shall we?"

"I... I just woke up, and I don't know how my body is."

"Then let's go to the hospital for an examination after breakfast."

He hurriedly pulled the dining car over, quickly finished eating and went out, and came back to make a human after the inspection, just thinking about it was exciting.

"By the way, is Zhong Qing really my sister?"

Although she has memories of the past few days, they are a little vague. She vaguely remembers that her parents came to see her, and Zhong Qing and Tang Fengyang also came to see her.

Zhong Qing is her own younger sister, who is already married to Tang Fengyang.

"Yes, Bu Zhiyao is a fake, Zhong Qing is your real sister, her name has been changed, Bu Zhiqing, but we are still used to calling her Zhong Qing.

She cares about you very much. She will visit you every few days for many years.

I also defend you very much, look cold, speak ill of you, and the bed is gone. "

(End of this chapter)

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