Women disguised as men as school grass

Chapter 209 Dao Height 1 Zhang 7

209 Chapter 7
Xia Chunlin's tears flowed down again. At first, she pretended, but now she was really crying.

This is the man she married. He doesn't take her seriously at all, let alone worry about her.

Lin Zehai sneered, "Xia Chunlin, you are really a mad dog. You catch and bite whoever you catch. Although Mr. Han and I are classmates and work in the same company, there are more than 500 companies under the Ling Group, and she and I are not in the same company at all." The company goes to work, and Mr. Han is picked up by Mr. Ling himself when he goes to and from get off work. May I ask where the opportunity is that I am not clear with her?"

Xia Chunlin was choked up for a moment, and was immediately at a loss for words.

She began to panic, "How do I know, it was your wife who said it, not me."

Mentioning Hu Yiran, Lin Zehai's expression became even colder, "Isn't my wife already sent abroad by Ling Jiang? Why, she can still call and chat with you across the ocean? You are so familiar."

In the latter sentence, he said it proudly, meaning that Xia Chunlin and Hu Yiran are very familiar, so familiar that they can help her to give false testimony!

Mr. Ling was already on the verge of an outbreak, "What's going on, tell me the whole thing from beginning to end."

Lin Zehai glanced across Ling Weifeng's face inadvertently, surprised in his heart, the young master really kept his secrets, all his words today were conveyed by her.

It was obviously arranged by her, but now she is like an innocent victim, sitting here and watching the show calmly. With this courage and resourcefulness, no one will be able to bully her in the future.

I just glanced over, and finally my eyes fell on Mr. Ling, "My daughter has a congenital heart disease. In order to treat her, I spent all my family savings. Although the salary is high, I can't afford such a heavy burden." medical expenses, my wife couldn't stand this kind of life, and divorced me several times."

"I didn't intend to embezzle public funds. It's just that my daughter finally found a suitable heart and needed 5000 million medical expenses. But I couldn't afford it. My wife asked me to embezzle public funds. I will find a way to make up for it when the time comes. found."

"I didn't agree at first, but my daughter was really anxious, and the wind was blowing too much, so I agreed. I embezzled 5000 million public funds. I did it very secretly, but that bitch actually brought Seeing the 5000 million escaped, I only found out at this time that she was instigated by Ling Jiang and Xia Chunlin to instigate me to embezzle public funds."

When Lin Zehai said this, his eyes were full of hatred, his eyes were red, and he almost shed tears, "With the help of Ling Jiang, my wife fled abroad, and then Ling Jiang exposed the incident. Personnel are placed in important positions..."

"Shut up!" Xia Chunlin panicked and interrupted Lin Zehai.

These things cannot be said, otherwise all the previous efforts of their mother and son will be in vain!

"You just shut up!" Old Master Ling was furious, and the crutch in his hand hit the ground hard. He looked at Xia Chunlin as if he was looking at an enemy.


Lin Zehai then continued, "Xia Chunlin thought I was Mr. Han's confidant, and wanted to pull me down, and then arranged for him to be the chief financial officer, so that he could control the financial circulation of the group."

"After I was arrested and imprisoned, Xia Chunlin came to see me once, and she told me that as long as I help her kill Ling Weifeng, the Ling family will not pursue my embezzlement of public funds, and will give me a large amount of money." A sum of money, let me save my daughter."

The highest state of lying, seven points are true and three points are false, no one can tell the difference.

What he said earlier was true, only the story about Xia Chunlin asking him to kill Ling Weifeng later was fabricated, let's see how Xia Chunlin refuted it.


  Thank you wyw, Mylucky???, Xin Lei, I. , Kaoru, November/cute girl, dreams come true, Mou, only stay for one person, PoisonT.S?The sadness of the rest of my life, I will do it and cherish LNJ, everyone's rewards, please~
  See you at eight o'clock in the evening, good night~
(End of this chapter)

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