Chapter 218 I Love You 5
Ling Weifeng was sitting in the car, panting heavily, she put one hand on her chest, and jumped so fast.

Turning around, she knelt on the back seat of the car with her legs, and looked out of the car desperately. She saw Prince Xi chasing him out, saw the sullen expression on his face, and finally disappeared into the night.

The delicate cheeks were flushed, and the twinkling peach blossom eyes were so moist that they could drip water.

She suddenly realized a question, why did she run?
It seemed that she was frightened, she didn't expect that Prince Xi Gu also liked her, and even confessed to her.

The impact was too great, like a surging tide constantly rushing towards her. Everything that happened tonight really scared her.

Taking a few deep breaths, the surging mood gradually calmed down.

She stretched out her hand and scratched the glass behind her, her head drooped crookedly on the seat, she suddenly regretted running out.

Since he likes her too, isn't it just right.

He confessed first, so she didn't have to worry about it anymore.

It would be great if I agreed directly just now, I really ran away after a brain twitch.

What a shame!

Being frightened to run away after being confessed by others, if this news gets out, I don't know how it will be laughed at.

Ling Weifeng groaned aggrievedly, ahhhh, how embarrassing! ! ! !


She shuddered suddenly, whose car was she getting into! ! !
Turning his head suddenly, he saw a familiar profile.

Even if she could only see a half of the profile from her perspective, she could still recognize who it was.

"How could it be you." Her tone instantly became cold.

Tang Fengyang felt a pain in his heart. Does she have to be so indifferent to him? What can she do to ask for her forgiveness.

"What just happened."

"It's none of your business, stop the car!" It was so blank, how could he get into his car.

"Where are you going, I'll take you off."

"I told you to stop!"

"Xiaofeng, do we have to be so deadlocked? What happened six years ago that you hate me so much?"

He sent someone to check, but nothing was found.

Six years ago, everything in the Ling family was normal, except for the three days when Ling Weifeng and Han Ling disappeared, nothing could be found.

Those three days became a mystery.

He knew that something big must have happened in those three days that would change her.


It was fine that he didn't mention what happened six years ago, but when he mentioned it, her rage just now had turned into rage, and she reached out her hand to open the car door.

She refuses to stop, right, okay, she jumps out of the car!

Tang Fengyang was frightened by her and hurriedly locked the car door.

"Tang Fengyang, what do you mean! Kidnapped? House arrest? Be careful, I will die with you!"

"Xiaofeng, no matter what happened at the beginning, I didn't mean it. I apologize to you."

"Is an apology useful!"

In fact, what happened back then had nothing to do with him directly, she was just venting her anger.

It's just that I didn't kill Boren, but Boren died because of me.

Although those things were not done by him, they were indeed caused by him, and she could not forgive them.

Tang Fengyang was silent. He wanted to ask for her forgiveness, but unfortunately, he didn't even know where he was wrong.

"Are you following me?" Ling Weifeng narrowed his eyes suddenly, how could there be such a coincidence in this world, as soon as she rushed out, his car stopped.

"You've been discharged from the hospital. I've always wanted to come and see you, but I have too many things to do recently, so I didn't have time until today. When I arrived at Ling's house, I happened to see you going out with Master Xihuang."

"So you're following me?"

"I'm sorry." After Tang Fengyang finished speaking, he fell silent again.

Ling Weifeng said angrily, "I want to go home."

"it is good."

The atmosphere in the car suddenly became stiff, and suddenly, Tang Fengyang's voice sounded again.

"Xiaofeng, Master you know that you are a girl?"


  Working hard? , brother, love of 21 carats, ? ? ? ? (Korean, cannot type).Bohemian, Mo Meng, cheating on exams is justified, right?Dream dyed stars? , Mo Xiayi,?Dream?magical?star?Chen? , Xiao Pangyu, the dream of the deserted city is scattered,?old dream. ,【bell】? ? , Guess &, MIN? ,Lost to treasure,?Fantasy youth? , where does the dust come from, Jane, I saw you with a sway, drive?尛?Neodymium, everyone’s rewards, my love, I love you~
(End of this chapter)

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