Women disguised as men as school grass

Chapter 375 It hurts a little bit, you bear it 1

Chapter 375 It hurts a little bit, you bear it 1
"It's okay to be poor and ugly, but he's actually so sinister. He obviously did it by himself, but now he wants to push it on me. It's not ashamed to talk nonsense with your eyes open. Do you really think everyone is blind?"


Wang Jiaohua's face turned red and white from the choking, her eyes were moist, and the lenses were covered with a layer of water mist.

Why are these rich people so unreasonable, black can be called white.

He knew how to bully a powerless person like her.


Seeing Gao Lili's continuous aggressiveness, Ling Weifeng yelled angrily, his eyes sharp.

"Then why is the monkey rushing to splash dirty water? I'm afraid that others will not know you are a shrew. You can't tell the priorities, and you have no education."

Ling Weifeng's angry words instantly choked Gao Lili so that her face turned red.

Gao Lili's eyes flickered, she looked at Ling Weifeng sadly and shyly.

Ling Weifeng ignored her angry eyes and shouted loudly, "Life committee member, bring me the medicine box."

This is the first time that Ling Weifeng said harsh words in front of people, and even lost his temper.

In the past, she was always smiling, and her temper was so good that she seemed to have no temper.

Because she is used to pretending, no matter how angry she is, she can use a perfect smile to hide her true emotions.

But this time, she was really angry.

Wang Jiaohua is her friend, but now she is framed by Gao Lili and has nothing to say.

And Ou Aiqi, the injury on her hand was so serious, it was all her fault, which made her feel very guilty.

Sometimes, Ling Weifeng really feels that she is contradictory, even a little distorted.

She can be more ruthless than anyone else, and can push her opponents to death.

However, she would blame herself endlessly for her own mistakes.

Just like now, she obviously wanted to use Ou Aiqi, she pushed Ou Aiqi down by herself, and she did it so ruthlessly.

But she would feel guilty and blame herself for the injury on Ou Aiqi's hand.

Half-faced angel, half-faced devil, perhaps it is her kind of person.

Prince Xi looked at Ling Weifeng calmly, and sighed inwardly.

Her nature has always been kind.

So she likes to play tricks, not to show off how smart she is.

It's her nature that prevents her from harming others personally.

So she likes to borrow a knife to kill people.

Since she couldn't bear it, let others do it, and she just watched with a cold eye.

But Ou Aiqi's injury this time was directly caused by her, so she felt guilty.

She is indeed a contradictory person. Her nature and her actions are two extremes.

This kind of life is actually very tiring.

One day, he will let her live her life!

After hearing Ling Weifeng's words, everyone realized that Ou Aiqi's hand had become bloody.

Severely scalded, the blood bubbles burst, and countless dirt was still stained on it.

It looked very bloody.

Seeing this scene, many female students turned pale for a while, a little timid, and even wanted to vomit.

Ou Aiqi's eyes were filled with tears, and her hands were still shaking slightly.

Ling Weifeng pulled her to sit aside, picked up a bottle of mineral water, and unscrewed it.

"It hurts a little, bear with it."

Her tone was very gentle, which made Ou Aiqi's nose sore, and her eyes became more moist.

She never thought that at this moment, the only one who noticed her wound would be Ling Weifeng.

This idiot in her eyes, this person who threatened to tie the knot as soon as she came.

And in the critical moment just now, it was Ling Weifeng who saved her and made a back for her.

Otherwise, her current injury must not only be on her hands, but her whole body will probably be burned.

(End of this chapter)

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